Chapter 61

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"Peter! Peter!"

Shouting is entering Peter's ears as he holds Iris close to him, but it just sounds like a foreign language that he can't understand. He can feel the warmth leaving Iris's body and he doesn't know what to do, other than grip onto her tightly. His messy mind is too busy racing with the possibility of losing Iris, making him spiral down a thought process he never wishes to be a part of. By now, her breathing has slowed right down and her eyes are flickering open as though she's trying to hold on to her fragile life. She can no longer feel the pain stemming from her stab wound, instead she feels a sort of blissful numbness that makes her feel like she's floating.

Reality hits Peter suddenly, as the person shouting him grabs his face and makes him look at them. All the noise from the battle surrounds him again and it makes him feel too overcome. His teary eyes meet Felix's crystal orbs and a look of desperation masks his face as he glances down at Iris. Felix's chest feels heavy as he also looks down at Iris covered in her blood, slowly leaving this world.

"You've got to focus, Peter. I-I know you can do this. I know you can save her," Felix encourages him as he lets go of Peter's face. He takes a shaky breath and grabs Iris's cold hand, shuffling back to give Peter some space.

As he takes in Felix's words, Peter hesitantly places Iris onto the cold sand and takes a large breath in. He sniffles and rubs the tears from his eyes, leaving them red and puffy. Peter moves Iris's hair out of her eyes and plants a kiss on her forehead with his dry lips, lingering there for a moment as he kneels beside her. After a quick and brief look in Felix's direction, Peter concentrates all of his power into his hands that are hovering over Iris's wound. His face scrunches up slightly as green flickers of light start spurting from his fingertips. All three of their faces are lit up with a emerald glare and Iris evidently begins feeling uncomfortable again as her face scowls.

"Come on," Felix whispers, as he feels himself losing hope. But he believes in his leader because, as everyone knows, Peter doesn't fail.

Peter pulls his hands away to examine the wound and sees it's healed over, causing his lips to erupt into a gigantic smile. Felix's eyes widen in happiness as a breath of laughter leaves his shaking lips. But both of their joy is quickly ripped away as Iris starts letting out groans of pain, gripping the side of her stomach. Peter's eyes scan her body for other problems with confusion evident in his features, which only increases as he moves her hands to see the wound opening up again.

"What the-?" Peter cuts himself off as he stares down at the cut in Iris.

"Peter, why's it done that?" Felix worries, his voice quivering slightly.

"I-I don't know," he stammers out quietly.

An overwhelming sense of fear takes over Peter and he tries again and again and again, becoming more angry with each attempt, until Iris uses all of her strength to grab his hand. He looks over at her with eyes full of desperation and madness. Every fibre of his being wants this to work.

Iris simply smiles and whispers, "It's okay." Her tears have built up too much and are now falling down the side of her face. "Let me go."

"No! I'm not- I can't, Iris. I won't survive," he tells her as he hangs his head, as if ashamed of his emotions.

The rest of the boys begin running over, feeling triumphant in their win as the few mermaids that are left begin scrambling back into the ocean. Their cheers quickly are brought to a halt as each of them notice Iris laying on the sand, smothered in blood. The twins push their way to the front and immediately wish they hadn't as their eyes land on their sister, almost lifeless.

"I love you all, and wherever I go I will always remember you," Iris croaks in a low voice, trying to preserve her strength for a few more moments. 

"We love you too," Felix smiles sweetly, squeezing her hand, and Iris returns the smile.

Felix releases his grip on Iris and pushes himself to his feet, feeling weak and tired as he strains to not let out a sob. He wobbles slightly as his knees feel frail to walk on, but joins the other boys. Iris scans each of their gloomy faces and tries memorising each and every detail on them, so that she can always carry a mental image of her brothers.

Then, her eyes land on the brunette boy beside her. The boy who always showed her the least amount of affection, the boy who acted so horridly towards her sometimes. Yet she found herself wanting to never stop staring up into his emerald pools of mystery, trying to figure out the real Peter behind this mask he puts up everyday. Which she knows he's let slip a few times, even just for a moment. She takes in every intricate detail of his face as her vision begins to fade.

"Peter," she starts, but is immediately cut off by him placing his lips on hers. They're chapped and taste slightly salty from his sweat but she's never felt better in her entire life. The sense of pure happiness flows through her body and, for a moment, she forgets she's dying. 

However, the moment is short lived as Peter pulls away and picks her back up to put on his lap. Iris rests her cold forehead in the crook of his neck and she lets herself relax in his hold, knowing this is her way to go comfortably. Part of her thinks that this must have meant to be, but the other part is just wishing she had had more willpower to stay in the tree. Eventually, Iris feels a weight lift from her body and she takes one last breath, letting it out slowly. Peter feels her limp body become heavy and a lump forms in his throat as he only pulls her in closer, not wanting to believe that this is real.


AHHHH this is coming to an end v soon!! 

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