Chapter 39

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Iris constantly feels herself being more on guard around Peter, whether it being more cautious or nervous because of him. There's a door that gets tightly locked, or a window gets slammed closed, in Iris that makes herself less confident and open for Peter. He can sense it too, because he's seen her around the other boys. It hurts him slightly, that she feels that she has to change around him, but he knows he's only got himself to blame.

Peter was unable to stop thinking about Iris changing only because of his presence as he lied in bed, waiting for Iris to wake up. He turned his head, looking in her direction and taking in every inch of her features. Her hair had slightly fallen over her face, some sticking up, and her pale face had rosy cheeks with freckles scattered over like the stars in the night sky. He'd never noticed the small brown dots before, maybe because they always faded the paler she got, so he thought that the sun must be making them more prominent. Then, he noticed her long black eyelashes and her messy eyebrows. Her lips were plump and dark pink, he quickly noticed that they were no longer incredibly dry from her nervous habit of always picking and biting them. Peter thought she looked much healthier, and he could tell that Iris was happier than before.

Slowly and hesitantly, he pushed some of the looses strands of hair away from her face, his fingers lightly grazing her skin, making her groan and move slightly. He felt a slight panic in his chest ping, because he didn't mean to disturb or wake her. But, he soon calmed as she let out a deep breath and continued in her deep sleep.

Not long after, Felix rushed in hurriedly, "Peter?"

Peter pulled himself into a sitting position and Iris jumped up from her sleeping, looking over at Felix in confusion. Peter glanced at Iris, noticed that she was still tired, and then glared back at Felix for waking her up. "What is it Felix?"

"Well it's way past the time to get up," he pointed out, breathless from running in her from his own bed.

"Felix it's everyone's day off, you can all sleep for as long as you want," Peter groaned, rubbing his face with both hands.

"Oh, right okay. Sorry to disturb you," he nodded awkwardly and then stepped out of the tent.

Iris giggled as Peter falls back to laying down. He sighed deeply and looked over at her, catching eye contact. Clenching her bottom lip between her teeth, she blushed under his stare and swallowed.

"Iris don't do that," he demanded with furrowed eyebrows, pulling her lip from out between her teeth with his thumb. He didn't want her to make them sore.

She sucked in a deep breath, and the way her lips were parted made Peter suddenly have a big urge to kiss her. But instead, he pulled his hand away from her and jumped out of bed, "Uh, we better get ready if we want to go adventuring today."


"Peter why can't we go see that pretty river again?" Iris whined.

Peter chuckled, turning his head to the side so he can see Iris on his back. He jumped, making her further up on his back, and she giggled tightening her grip around him.

"Don't you want to find somewhere else that might just be as pretty?" He asked.

She hummed, but still pouted, "I guess so."

They walked for a little longer, both giggling and messing on. They're both enjoying the day a lot and, like usual, it was amazing strolling around the island. Iris was happy at how close she's being with Peter, and how incredibly nice he's being with her.

"Peter where are we actually going?" She chuckled, making him smile.

"It's a surprise darling, it's not that far now," he explained in a calm tone.

Iris blushed at the pet name and stayed quiet as they keep going, resting her head on his shoulder. Soon enough, Peter pushed through a bush and stopped walking, "We're here."

Iris looked up and her eyes landed on a big patch of grass that descends into a stream running around, many different coloured rocks shining below. There's bright, beautiful flowers scattered around and the sun was lighting the whole place up, setting a warmth to it.

She gasped in excitement, jumped off of Peter's back and ran straight over to the fresh water. It splashed up her legs as she leaped in, picking and throwing the water so it sprayed over her. Peter followed behind quickly and they each splashed the water in each other's direction.

"How many beautiful places like this does Neverland have?" She breathed happily, excitement running through her body.

"Many, and we'll go to them all together, Iris," Peter told her while smiling, making Iris's stomach feel weird for a moment.

She pushed her hair behind her ear, blushing again, and went to continue playing. But, just as she's about to move away and continue down the stream, Peter grabbed her wrist and stared up ahead of him. The grip on Iris was tight, and she whipped back around to face him in confusion.

She wriggled her arm in attempts to get him off. "Peter, you're hurting me," she whimpered.

He didn't let go, he just pulled her out of the water and through the forest again. He's walking at full speed, making it hard for Iris to keep up but he's always there to keep her from hitting the ground when she did stumble.

Eventually, they get to an opening at the beach and Iris's eyes widened instantly. Peter's grip loosened so when she stumbled backwards she landed on her butt and scurried, her eyes welling with tears. He quickly turned around and bent down to her level, "Iris it's okay."

"W-Why are they back?" She cried, crossing her arms and digging her nails into her skin.

Peter sighed and looked back out at the ocean, looking far in the distance. His blood boiled as his eyes landed on the things he hated most in all the realms, the Pirates.


oops it's been like 6 days since I last updated

hopefully I won't take as long next time

IG: @neverland.luke
tumblr: autumns-rainyday

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