"I will," Cameron said. "Cheerio!" He gave a flamboyant wave. Zac's Dad shook his head and left.

"Do you think David would make me another sandwich?" Cameron asked Sirena.

"I don't think so," Sirena said. "We're on a low budget ever since the cameras were installed. And if you keep buying your sandwiches at half price - "

"Okay, don't lecture me," Cameron said. "I'll just starve... Sirena, come and look at this!!"

"What is it?" Sirena asked, making her way over to Cameron, where was pointing at his computer screen, a magic grin on his face.

Sirena looked, and there, on camera two, were three mermen swimming together, and none of them were Erik, or Zac.

"They're the mermen Erik have?" Sirena shed, her heart pounding with excitement. She grinned. "Can you take a closer look?"

Cameron zoomed into the shot, and got a clear view of the mermen's face. He took a screen shot of the video, and turned to Sirena, grinning.

"I think we are one step closer to defeating Erik," he said confidently.


Zac had found Ondina in the grotto, and had asked her to swim to Mako with him.

"What are we doing?" Ondina asked Zac as they used their magic to dry their tails on the beach.

"We're waiting for Erik," Zac replied.

"Really?!" Ondina asked. "You expect Erik to just walk up to us - "

"Zac! Ondina! My good friend!' Erik cried, spreading his arms wide.

Ondina's eyes widened. " - oh, maybe he would."

Zac and Ondina stood up as Erik approached them.

"And how are you?" Erik asked, in a tone of mockery, even though there was a tiny hint of friendliness.

"Why are you back?" Zac asked Erik.

"Can't a guy take some time out of his busy schedule to come visit his favourite island?" Erik asked sarcastically. "Why do you think I'm back?! Seriously!"

"Where's Nixie?" Ondina asked, clenching her fists.

"Nixie is fine, she's been very useful to us," Erik smirked.

"Useful?" Zac asked worriedly.

"Yes," Erik nodded. "We have her moon ring, and Dr Denman has been able to conduct a series of experiments with Gareth's help - "

"Gareth?" Ondina asked.

"Oh, you don't know, do you?" Erik said. Then he laughed. "I have created a miniature army of merman, who will help me take over Mako."

"There's three of them... Mimmi and I saw them in a vision," Zac said.

Erik gave a small gasp. He had completely forgotten about the visions. But he just tutted, and smiled. "Ahh, the visions. Your side does have an unfair advantage..."

"We also know about the trident necklace, after are you using it for?" Ondina asked.

"Oh, we have no idea yet," Erik replied casually. "We're hoping it will activate the Merman Chamber."

"You don't know?" Ondina asked, giving a small scoff. "I don't believe you."

"You can believe whatever you like Ondina, sweetheart, I'm just telling you the truth," Erik said. Then Erik turned and spoke to Zac directly. "Zac, you've picked the wrong side. It's not too late for you to join my team... We can have Mako all to ourselves, with no mermaids to stop us! We'll send the mermaids away to live on land. Aren't you tried of having to live on land? Come on Zac."

Zac squared up and looked at Erik, directly into his eyes. "I will never be on the same side as you."

Erik shrugged. "Suit yourself. But I must warn you: Nixie, the necklace, it's all just the beginning of what will be the biggest battle between mermaids and mermen. I have one piece of advice for you: prepare yourselves, this is war."


Josh, Gareth, Matteo, and Mabel had all been given an important lesson on learning the names and faces of Zac, Mimmi, Ondina, Cameron, Evie, David, and anyone else working against them.

Mabel decided to get away from all the bustle, and asked if she could go for a walk in the mainland. Charlotte let her go, because Mabel wasn't 'important to the plan'.

So Mabel went on her own (Josh had offered to come, but Mabel said no) and she wandered through the streets, taking in all the sights.

She eventually found herself at the Ocean Café. She remembered Erik talking about this place vaguely, so she entered.

The first thing that caught Mabel's eyes was the dress shop. Mabel had always loved shopping and buying new things, so she headed over there to take a look.

"Hi!" Evie smiled cheerfully as Mabel made her way over. "How can I help you?"

"Can I just take a look?" Mabel asked.

Evie nodded, holding her hand out to present the dresses. "Be my guest... That's a lovely accent you have... Where are you from?"

"Canada," Mabel replied, picking up a pink dress with white flowers and examining the label. "But I've lived in America for the last five years."

"Oh, I've always wanted to travel to America, which state do you live in?"

"I live in San Diego in California."

"I bet it's lovely there," Evie smiled.

Mabel put the dress back. She looked at Evie and smiled too. "Yes, it is... My name's Mabel, by the way."

Evie held out hand. "I'm Evie "

Mabel's calm, friendly expression turned into a look of horror and fear. "Evie, as in Zac's girlfriend?"

Evie nodded, unsurely, dropping her arm to her side. "Yes, how do you know - "

"I can't be here," Mabel cried out in a panic. "I have to go, I'm sorry!"

"Wait!" Evie called, but Mabel had already run out of the café.

"Who was that?" Carly asked, walking over to Evie.

Evie blinked, her eyes still on the door. "I have no idea who she is... But apparently she knows me..."

Mermaids Vs Mermen (A 'Moon Stones Gone Missing' Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now