ch 9 Irish is awesome

Start from the beginning

I smile at Jack and receive a wink from him, making me blush slightly. "That will be five coins, Edward" I say, reminding he's buying something, so that he can leave earlier and escape this awkward moment for him. 

Edward quickly gives me five silver coins and walks out of my store mumbling, "Have a good day" under his breath. I chuckle when he closes the door behind him, "You got him good, Jackaboy" I say between chuckles. 

Jack holds his hand up, wanting me to slap it, "High-fives all around!!!" He yells before I high five him with a smile. 

Jack clears his throat after a small moment of silence, "Where's Mark?" Jack asks in his Irish accent. I point up, meaning 'upstairs'.  Jack nods and walks on, towards the stairs. I watch Jack until he has fully disappeared. 

A moment later, I hear some talking upstairs. I can't make out what the two men are saying, but I think I don't really want to know. Mark is probably whining about how mad he is at me, and about what I've said....that he's just a guy. 

I sigh, regretting that I've said that Mark is just a guy. I cover my face in my hands and feel tears building up. 'why am I crying? I feel more mad than sad.' I think before I hear footsteps behind me. 

I quickly wipe my tears away, hoping that whoever it is, won't notice that I've cried a little. I see Jack standing in the doorframe with Mark in his hand. They both look at me. Mark has a blank expression, but Jack looks concerned. 

Jack immediately puts Mark on the counter, and he rubs my back, "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod, "Yeah, I'm fine...I just....I'm tired, that's all" I lie, even though Jack knows I have cried. 

I sit down on the small, wooden chair again, facing Mark, "Mark I'm so sorry, for saying that...that one thing" I say, not wanting to say again that Mark is just a guy. 

Mark looks away, not really interested. "I know I shouldn't have said that. And I don't even mean it. You're not 'just a guy" I explain. Mark looks my way again, "Then what am I...the funny mini-man? The tiny man that wants to find the right girl so that he can become normal again and fuck every girl he comes across?" Mark asks, his voice covered in anger. 

I hear Jack chuckling behind me. Mark looks at Jack, shooting him a death  glare. "no...."  I simply say.  I don't know why, but I feel my eyes tearing up again, and my sight gets blurry from the tears, covering my pupils. 

Jack starts rubbing my back again when he notices the tears in my eyes, "Why are you crying?" He asks in a sweet tone. I lift my shoulders, "I honestly don't know" I say, wiping one tear from my cheek. 

I look up at Mark, "Mark...." I say, getting his attention. "I'm sorry.  I really want to get through this fucking stupid week. But can you at least work with me?" I beg him. 

Mark chuckles in a way of saying, 'are you fucking serious?' ,"I'm not working with you? YOU aren't working with ME!" Mark says, pointing at his own chest and me.  "Guys.." Jack whispers,wanting us to stop, but we ignore him. 

I lift my hands, "What do you mean?" I say, getting a little anger in my voice. "I'm not blind, (Y/N)" He says. "guys...stop..." I hear Jack whisper again.  I actually don't know what Mark is talking about. I stay quiet, waiting for Mark to continue. 

"I see the way you're looking at Jack, just....hunger growing in your eyes when you look at him..." Mark looks at Jack, "Or when he fucking WINKS at you!!!" He yells before looking at me again, becoming a little red from anger.   "Guys, please" Jack says a little louder. 

"You apologize to me EVERY fucking time, but you won't make it better, because an hour later, you're crying again, just looking for a way to argue with me!!" Mark yells at the top of his lungs, his voice getting a little higher than normal. 

My eyes are now like waterfalls. I wipe away my tears and stand up, "That's NOT how it is, Mark!!" I yell  back at him. "GUYS!! STOP IT! NOW!!" Jack screams, leaving Mark and me both quiet. 

We look at Jack with a blank expression. I quickly wipe away my tears. "Are you guys even seeing what you are doing here?" Jack asks, sounding a little angry too. 

I look at Mark for a quick second, and then I look back at Jack. "you two have to remember that this is just Chadwick's work." He explains. Mark and I nod. " I'm sorry,Mark" I say in a hushed tone. 

Mark chuckles softly, "No, you're not" He whispers back, just loud enough for me to hear it. I look at Jack with my hands lifted, meaning, 'see!?'. Jack shakes his head, wanting me to ignore Mark. 

I clear my throat, "How many days?" I ask.  Mark lifts his shoulders. "I think three more" Jack answers. I nod and walk to the front of the store, closing it. I don't really fee like talking and interacting or socializing with people right now. 

My eyes are probably red too, so people are going to ask about that. I walk to the counter again and sit down with a sigh. I feel tired already. Mark settles down on the counter, and leans against the stuff that I placed on it, for Mark to hide behind. 

Jack just walks around in my small store  a little, just looking around at the stuff I made. I clear my throat, getting Mark and Jack their attention, " and why did you guys make your hair that color?" I ask. 

They look at each other, chuckling a little, "We dyed it because we thought it was funny, and we dyed it with actual paint" Mark explains, smiling at me. 

Jack nods, "Yeah, in Los Angeles you can buy actual paint for your hair" He says. "Cool!" I say cheery. They nod at me, "Yeah!" They say both at the same time,which makes me chuckle a little. 

After a few moments of silence, Jack clears his throat, "Is there any alcohol 'round here?" He asks. I shake my head, "I don't have it here, but there is someone who makes the best drinks" I say, chuckling afterwards when I think of the man. 

Mark chuckles, "Lemme's Jack?" He says jokingly. I shake my head, "No, but he is from Ireland" I explain. Mark laughs, "What a  surprise" He jokes. Jack grabs my wrist, "No time to lose" he says. 

I quickly pick up Mark and put the tiny man on my shoulder again. Mark hides under my hair as we walk out of my small shop. I lock the door behind me and lead Jack to the liquor store in the centre of the small village I live in. 

It's a minute of walking before we arrive at the shop with a green clover painted on a board above the store. I walk in first, greeting the Irish man, "hey! Mickey McFinnigan!!" I yell through the store (If anyone knows where I got the name from, you are freakin' awesome XD) . There are some men, looking at me as I walk to the man. 

Mickey looks at me while a smile takes shape on his lips, "howya, (Y/N), how's the man! Good ta see yah 'gain, fine lad!" He says in his extreme Irish accent.  I chuckle and walk up to him, "I'm fine, how are you?" I ask. 

Mickey still smiles, "I'm great, thanks" He answers.  Mickey looks at Jack and reaches out his hand, I think he recognized that Jack is Irish too, I don't know how though, "Top of the mornin' to ya, Irish man 'round here huh?" Jack asks while shaking Mickey's hand. 

Mickey laughs, "As rare as hen's teeth" He says before pulling his hand back.  "Like your jumper" Jack says, pointing at Mickey's sweater. Mickey nods, "So what can I get ya lads?" he asks. 

Jack chuckles and answers before I can, "Get us a shoulder of ya best drinks outta the press" He answers. Mickey nods and walks to the back of the store, to the cabins. I look at Jack, questioning what he just said. Jack laughs, "a shoulder is a 350 milliliter bottle" He explains. 

I chuckle, "Irish is awesome" I say before turning around again. "I know" Jack says proudly, looking at Mickey who returns with some bottles. 

My mini-Mark (Markilpierxreader)Where stories live. Discover now