Girl Meets Maya, part I

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After everyone congratulated Katy and Shawn, they talked a little while before separating ways. Topanga decided to cook a nice meal to celebrate the engagement. They had an hour before dinner and Riley wanted to talk to Maya. 'Hey Peaces, do you feel like going for a walk?' 'Sure, Riles.' They told Topanga they'd be back before dinner started. The girls walked in a slow pace because of Maya's ankle, which was still sprained. 'So, how have you been?' Riley asked her best friend. Maya frowned. She hadn't expected that question. 'What do you mean? We've been together this entire them.' 'Yeah, I know, but I feel like we haven't really talked much lately.' Maya sighed. 'That's true. I missed talking to you, Riles. Like, really talking.' 'Me too.' 'To answer your question: I'm alright.' Riley stopped walking to look at her best friend. 'That doesn't sound convincing', she said, wondering why Maya wasn't as happy as she thought she would be. Maya shrugged. 'Don't get me wrong', she said, 'I couldn't be more happy about my Mom being engaged to Shawn. I really like him. And everything's great between me and Josh.' 'Then what is it?' Riley asked, suddenly worried. 'It's just... All my life, I thought nothing this good could happen to me. Well, that's not true. You're always there. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I never thought I could have a Dad and I was sure Josh had no such feelings for me. So many good things are happening lately, that I can't help but wonder when I'm going to awake from this dream. Sooner or later something bad will happen again that will crush everything wonderful that has happened and I don't want that. I don't want to get my hopes up. I don't want that, Riles.' 'Maya', Riley said. 'Why would you think like that?' 'There are plenty of reasons. Do you want one or all of 'em?' Riley shook her head and put one hand on Maya's shoulder. 'I'd never let anything bad happen to you. And let me ask you this: What's the point of having good things in your life when you refuse to be happy about them?' 'It stops me from getting hurt', Maya simply answered. 'Oh yeah? Being sad isn't really the best option either!' Maya started to feel angry. She could decide what she did or didn't do. She was capable of handling her own emotions, thank you very much. 'Riley, stop it!' Riley noticed Maya didn't call her 'Riles' anymore and that she rose her voice. 'Maya, please just listen to me. There's no point in having a good time, when you aren't letting yourself enjoy it. Instead of living a life that, yes, has its ups and downs, you choose to focus on the downs only. Why is that? You're avoiding the bad things, but can't you see you're only making your life more miserable. You're not avoiding bad things, really, you're just turning good things into bad ones instead!'

Maya clenched her fists. 'Really, Riley? I'm making my life more miserable? As in: my life is already terrible enough and I'm a total mess?' Riley came a little bit closer to her best friend, but Maya took a step back. 'Maya, I didn't mean to... I just want to help you.' 'Good job', Maya said, 'you're not helping, only making it worse.' Riley was starting to feel angry as well now, but she took a deep breath and pushed the anger back. 'I'm sorry', she said softly. 'I really didn't want to hurt you. And I don't want to fight.' 'Too late for that.'

Riley suddenly knew what to do. She picked a few leaves from the ground and threw them at Maya. 'Why did you just do that?' Riley didn't answer. Instead, she picked up more leaves. Before she could throw them, Maya held up her hands. 'Don't, Riley. I'm asking you politely, drop the leaves.' Riley gave her a tiny smile and threw the leaves at her friend. 'That's it!' Maya shouted as she dropped to the ground to pick up leaves as well.

Hi :) This is the new chapter! I will update the next one either today or tomorrow. I hope you all liked it. Thanks for reading and thank you to those who have been voting!


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