Chapter 38

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"수고하셨습니다!!" the seven members thanked every staff members as they got off the stage. Again, a HYYH concert concluded successfully.

Wiping his sweat with his specially printed HYYH towel, Jimin made his way along the corridor back to their waiting room. In front of him was Taehyung and J-hope, discussing about how the stadium unexpectedly filled. Turning to the left, he saw his boyfriend wiping his sweat with his sleeves.

With a wide grin on his face, Jimin approached Yoongi and nudged him arm. "You were very cool just now hyung."

"Mwo yah! Aren't I always this cool?"

"True that. But when you piggyback on stage just now...whoaa ARMYs were screaming so loudly!!"

"I guess they like us being together."

"Of course!! You should do that more often hyung. Giving me a chance to hug you openly on stage..."

"Ayyy do you know how heavy you are? I almost thought my bones were breaking!"

"Jinja? about next time I'll be the one to piggy bag you?"

"Sounds good, and I'll eat a lot on that day."

"No worries hyung, I have been going to the gym quite diligently these days, see my biceps...wahhh!" Jimin smirked and rolled up his sleeves.

Yoongi simply gave him a light hit on his arm before quickening his pace back to the waiting room.

While still in their concert outfits, manager hyung called them out to take a group photo like they always do for every concert. He pointed to the area under the lightning and with a sofa there. The Namjin couple immediately went for the two seats on the sofa, followed by Hoseok and Taehyung who naturally went to the left side of the sofa.

Feeling kinda exhausted, Jungkook sat on the arm rest and positioned himself beside Namjoon.

"Ppali, Jimin and Yoongi ah," Jin shouted as he called his dongsaengs to go over.

"Hana, duel..." manager hyung counted followed by the seven of them getting into a funny pose.

Namjoon and Jin did a passport-style serious pose, while Taehyung and J-hope made fun of their leader by doing his signature 'closing right eye with your finger' pose. Jungkook simply did a V sign, while Jimin hooked his arms around his boyfriend, Yoongi.

Upon the count of three, a bright flash followed, everyone gave their best smiles. Manager hyung paused a while and took a look at the photo. However, he doesn't looked satisfied as he zoomed in to each members. 

"I think you guys need to come closer," he commented, "And Hoseok and Taehyung ah, stop fooling around with that derp expression."

The other members were not surprised at all by this statement, they were the moodmakers of the group since day 1, they expected it. Again, with the count of three, the ones at the back leaned forward as requested by their manager. 

At this moment, Jungkook felt a huge weight on his right shoulder. He turned to his right, to find that his hyung, Jimin, had his hand rested on both him and Suga's shoulder. 

Jungkook wanted to push his hyung's hand away so badly, he know he can't be enjoying this moment, but then, he didn't. "Hana, duel, sat!" another flash came by.

Jimin leaned his body forward, closer to the two guys in front, with his arms bringing them closer. At such close proximity, Jungkook felt his hyung's touch, something he missed so dearly, and his scent, he still uses the same cologne. The maknae smiled nervously at the camera, deeply knowing that after this shot, Jimin would pull his hand away.

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