"I don't know. I just can't look at him everyday for the next few decades knowing that he slept with her, and he knew that it was wrong but he did it anyway."

"I understand. I'm sorry you have to go through this." I shrug.

"I can't do anything about it now. It's done."

"Well I'll let you get back to packing. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Thanks for calling Trin."

"No problem my love." We hang up.


Wednesday June 29th

It's 2 o'clock, the car is packed, Anjali is in the backseat and I pull up in front of her house and Joelle is standing outside with the biggest grin on her face. I really hope Galina doesn't come outside. I don't want to look at her. Joelle runs to the car with her suitcase trailing behind her and a carry on bag on her arm.

"Hi Malaika!" She jumps into my arms. For a little girl who had to be ready at 2 o'clock in the morning, she sure has a lot of energy.

"Hi Joelle." I put her down. "Are you ready?" she nods. "It's a long flight. I hope you brought a lot to do." she nods frantically.

"I have reading books, coloring books and my music."

"Sounds good." I take her suitcase and put it in the trunk and she gets in the car next to her sister. We stop at CVS to get some snacks for the flight and we go to the airport. Joelle is so excited she can't stop smiling. After we finish check in, we wait to board the plane.

"Have you ever been to Hawaii Malaika?"

"No. This will be my first time. I did get married in Puerto Rico though."

"Was it fun?"

"It was beautiful."

"How is my dad? Is he ok?"

"He's good Joelle. Why do you ask?"

"Because he and my mom have been talking. I don't know what they talk about because my mom goes into another room and whispers, but I know she's talking to my dad." The lady announces our flight and we get on the plane.

9 hours later

Honolulu, Hawaii

I thank God that we landed safely.

We go to the hotel and drop our bags off, have something to eat for breakfast and we go to the beach with the other Superstars and Divas. The match card tonight is fire. It's about 1 in the afternoon, so we have plenty of time to relax before we have to head to the arena. I douse both girls up with sunscreen and put a bucket hat on Anjali. I lay the towels in the sand, put on my sunscreen and my sunglasses and get ready to relax as I watch the girls play with beach toys, and tell Anji once in a while not to eat the sand.

I lean back and close my eyes as I feel the sun on me. All of a sudden, it gets darker.

"Oh my god. Where did the sun go?"

"Damn ma. Looking good." I lift my sunglasses and see--

"Seth!" Joelle says. Shit. I forgot he was coming. Joelle gets off the sand and greets him with a big hug.

"Hi Colby." He comes over with Joelle, hugs me and kisses Anji.

"So it's just the three of you?" I nod.

"A girls only vacation." He backs up slightly with his hands raised.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

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