Chris shook his head, laughing softly at his girlfriend.


"I wish you didn't have to go," David said miserably as he and Sirena finished setting the last table. The whole Ocean Café was now covered in shining Fairy lights, and all the tables had table cloths and knives and forks laid out. "I wish you could stay here all night, and perform at the party."

Sirena smiled. "I wish I could stay too, but I have to go to Mako Island. If Erik does show up soon, I need to have as much magic in my moon ring as I possibly can."

David nodded. "I understand."

"I'll tell you what," Sirena said to David, smiling, "I'll come back here first thing in the morning. We can rehearse the new songs."

David smiled, and his grin shone like the sun. "I'd like that!"

Sirena smiled back. "I'll have to go now," she said after taking a look at the clock.

"Is there anything you want me to do to help tonight?" David asked.

Sirena shook her head. "No thank you. You need to be here for the party, Carly won't be able to perform and hands drinks out at the same time! Just enjoy yourself, and I'll be back here tomorrow."


"I can't believe it," Carly sighed unhappily, attending outside the Ocean Café with Cameron. "You get to go to Zac's house, and I'm stuck here waitressing at a birthday party."

"Hey, being with Zac tonight isn't going to be all fun and games, you know," Cameron said in his defense. "He might start hallucinating, and having visions, and then swim off into the sea! I'm just glad that Mimmi's going to be there."

"Mimmi's going to be there?" Carly said, folding her arms and raising a well-drawn eyebrow.

"Yeah, as she's Zac's sister. We'll also need somebody with magic, too. Just in case Zac decided to go crazy on us." Cameron nodded. 

Carly managed a smile. "Okay, tell me what happens tomorrow?"

Cameron grinned. "You betcha."


"It's quite scary thinking that Erik is on his way to Mako as we speak," Weilan said to the mermaids in the Moon Pool.

Ondina nodded. "Yeah... But we will defeat him, like we always do."

Just then Mimmi's had popped up from under the sea, and she swam into the gap between Lyla and Ondina.

"Mimmi, aren't your supposed to be with Zac?" Ondina asked.

Mimmi shook her head. "Chris has gone to stay with him."

"Chris?" Weilan repeated, unimpressed. "You do realise that Chris doesn't have magic, right?"

"And?" Mimmi asked.

"So if Zac ends up going crazy, Chris and Cameron aren't going to be able to help him, are they?"

"Zac won't have a problem tonight," Mimmi said certainly.

Mermaids Vs Mermen (A 'Moon Stones Gone Missing' Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now