9 • plan

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Maybe I overreacted. Just maybe. But the fact that Luke thinks that there are specific things that girls should and shouldn't do makes me furious. I can't stand to be around people who don't treat females as if they're humans or regular people, and him saying that girls should and shouldn't be able to do certain things is like telling an unattractive girl she can't be an actress just because she's unattractive. It pisses me off.

"She he's a sexist, anti-feminist? Just more reasons to not hang out with this guy." Tora tells me through the computer.

"I know, but I have to watch our kids. And I have a plan." I respond, changing Busteda's diaper. Busted starts crying. "Shut up!"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm talking to the baby."

"Okay, well what's your plan.

Originally it was to reject him at prom in front of everyone, but now I'm thinking I should make a plan to expose that he only uses girls for his own liking." I put Busteda down and throw the dirty diaper across the room into the trashcan then grab Busted, shoving his bottle down his throat.

"Savage. I like it. But how are you going to go through with the plan?"

"I'm going to start recording him secretly."

"That's kind of stalkerish."

"No, not like that. Have you seen The Duff movie? You know, the part where Madison's friend records everything for her and sends it to her to embarrass Bianca?"

"Yeah. So you're going to get someone to record him acting like a jerk for you then play the video at prom?"




"So she stormed of... with your children?" Ashton asks, biting into the pizza i got him. After Allie left I just told myself 'fuck it' and ordered pizza and invited my friends over.

"Yeah. I think I'm not gonna be friends with her anytime soon." I say, fixing my hair.

"All because she's a feminist? That's harsh. Remember, this is going to be the first virgin you ever hook up with, mate. Then, you dump er at prom." Calum adds.

"I think that if you don't like her you shouldn't fuck her." Michael says, grabbing his third slice of pizza.

"I don't need to like her, she needs to like me." I explain. "And being fake married isn't really helping me right now."

"London is my wife, and we're god with our kid. His name is Daniel." Michael states, finishing off his slice.

"Angel and I are pretty good. She's taking care of the kid, not me." Ashton also states.

"And how are you and Maddie?" I ask, looking to Calum.

"She's really conceited. That's why I brought our kid Kira here with me. I'm gonna have to ask Mr Leo for a different partner."

"Who do you think would switch with her though?" Michael asks.

"Cassidy would probably switch. Plus she's cool as hell." I respond. "Good in bed too. Really good."

"How good exactly?" 

"So good she could be a porn star. That good." Calum gulps.

"Guess I'll switch with her then." He says, placing a pillow on his lap, blushing.

"Guess you should."

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