Chapter 18 - Ambush

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After following Captain for what seemed like ages, Parker stopped, having a sudden urge that something was wrong. He could sense some sort of trouble. This made Captain stop too, but for a different reason. Parker stared hard at Captain, one hand in his pocket, just in case.

"What's going on?" Parker questioned Captain, who still had his back to Parker.

Captain chuckled. "Did your parents never tell you to not talk to strangers?" with those words, Captain turned around and to Parker's surprise, he was met with a violent stare, red eyes glaring back. 

"I see, so they have brought out that old piece of still works?" Parker's surprised reaction quickly faded and he shrugged off Captain. "So...what now? Do I need to beat you in a battle or something?"

"That's impossible...and besides, it isn't our plan A" Captain clicked his fingers and as if on cue, a net dropped from above them, encasing Parker. 

"This isn't hard to get out of, you know" Parker looked around in disgust and decided to sit on the floor. 

"That's why the cage is next!" Captain looked up to the sky and the helicopter came flying in, a steel cage swinging from beneath it. The helicopter slowly dropped down and settled the cage around Parker.

"You forgot to take my Pokemon...I can still break out" Parker sighed and massaged his temples. "You are giving me a headache with your mistakes"

"Again, this is no mistake. You can try and break out if you wish" Captain was treating Parker with the same casualness and this made Parker a little angry, causing him to make a bad choice.

"Bisharp, use metal claw!" Parker threw out Bisharp's Pokeball and his Pokemon came spiralling out, metal claw at the ready. Bisharp hit the steel bars, but the move was instantly rebounded, sending Bisharp flying back to the other side of the cage. "What the-?"

"You see, our Pokemon experimentation has allowed us to reach new heights in terms of strength" Jeremy came walking out with his arms folded, a smug expression on his face.

"Ah," Parker frowned and began to think about any possible escape.

"We took a certain move from a certain Wobuffet and used it to create these unbreakable cages. Our handiwork has been rushed, but it has still turned out really useful" Jeremy turned to Captain, who was just staring into space. "Take him to your headquarters while we handle the other vermin"

"You won't be able to take out Ash and his friends, you know that," Parker said to Jeremy as he was being moved away and onto a boat. 

"Oh, we will. Just you wait" Jeremy turned to grin before walking away.

Meanwhile, all of Ash's friends were meeting up in the region to stop Team Shadow.

"Where is Ash...and Serena?" May wondered out loud.

"Did Dawn not tell you they was going to be joining us later?" Misty folded her arms and turned to Dawn.

"Oh...sorry. Guess I forgot that detail" she replied with a nervous laugh. 

"Guys! Let's focus" Iris warned the group.

"Iris is right, we have two legendary Pokemon on the loose and god knows what else. Let's just focus and be ready to fight" Gary took the lead, but only momentarily.

"Stop!" Elizabeth of Team Shadow shouted this, before dropping from the tree above the group. Her Greninja dropped out at the same time. "Oh, I see Ash and his pathetic girlfriend aren't here, this makes things easy"

"Don't you call Serena pathetic!" Bonnie shouted out in retaliation, Clemont instantly moving her behind him.

"Be quiet you stupid kid" Elizabeth scowled back and Clemont's expression changed.

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