Chapter 26 - Iris & Cilan

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The journey continued through the night. Many of the gang had fallen asleep, but Iris and Cilan were the only ones awake. 

"You better get some rest," Cilan said without turning his focus away from driving the boat. 

"And leave you alone in the dark? No thanks" Iris chuckled a little bit and then she got up, moving towards the extra little space beside Cilan. She yawned a little but then shook the tiredness away.

The waves from the sea made the boat bob up and down as Cilan killed the engine to make everything quieter for the people who were sleeping. The boat continued to push forward but at a much smaller speed.

"You wouldn't be leaving me alone really, we are surrounded by water after all" Cilan chuckled as well and then looked out to where the light was shining.

"I know you're not alone in terms of Pokemon. That's why I am still awake. Anything could be underwater and decided we are an enemy, who knows?" Iris wondered whether or not there could be a Gyarados in the sea, lurking around. 

"Most Pokemon are probably asleep by now, I don't think you should worry" Cilan sat down and Iris slowly followed him down. 

"There is...something else I worry about" Iris looked around at the rest of the gang and her expression softened. "I worry about how everyone else is handling things. How is Ash holding himself together?" 

"He is a tough guy, Ash. Everyone else is handling it differently, that is very noticeable. I wonder how you are handling it yourself?" Cilan asked Iris, who looked away as if she was dodging the question. "Answer me, please Iris"

"At first...I don't really know. I have been handling it just like you I suppose. A little down, but definitely not out for the count" Iris replied slowly, choosing her words carefully. 

"Precisely. No one here is out for the count yet. Not even Parker, wherever he may be" Cilan sighed a little then he tapped on the deck. "You should seriously sleep"

"Stop pestering me, you're not my Mom" Iris frowned and yawned again.

"I'm not your Mom, but a caring friend. I don't want you to catch a cold or be worn out when we get there. You can use my knee if you need something comfortable to sleep on" Cilan suggested. Iris froze for a moment but she didn't hesitate.

" say so," she said, before dropping slowly onto Cilan, resting her head on his knee. She quickly fell asleep and left Cilan in the dark.

Always looking out for me...Well, I will have to keep an eye on him tomorrow. Take it easy, Cilan.


Cilan continued to watch the darkness move around him. Clouds were not visible but the water reflected the moon's light and Cilan could see his face in the passing waves. He spent some time contemplating what could happen next for the whole gang. He knew that more pain would be required in order to fully pass by the rest of the troubles they had to face. After all, they had all been through too much. One year of peace was just enough to make them all forget about what had happened. Cilan knew this too. He knew they had all gotten to a stage were relaxing was their best option, but then suddenly, Team Shadow had escaped. None of them had even tried as much as they did the previous year, but Cilan was sure that they could pull through. 

His eyes shifted to Bonnie. He wondered what she could contribute in the upcoming fights. She was only a little girl, starting off on her real journey soon. This made Cilan wonder if anyone could have a journey to becoming the best Pokemon trainer after all that has happened. Cilan was sure that many civilians in every region were aware of the trouble that had returned. Parker had gone to try and rectify the problems with Team Shadow and stop them, but Cilan knew he would need backup. They would have to rescue the others as quickly as possible and make it to Parker. If they could figure out his location.

Hall of Fame (Going For Glory Sequel) - An Amourshipping Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें