Chapter 4 - Date Interruption

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With Lance and Parker heading their way, Serena and Ash find some time to be alone, Clemont and Bonnie giving them space.

"It's been a while since we have been alone" Serena sighed with relief. They sat on the fourth floor of a big hotel just outside of Pallet Town. It was newly constructed the year before, with over 300 rooms, one of the hotels that held many people for the tournament. The fourth floor was one of the expensive floors, with balconies for almost every room. However, the fourth floor also had a restaurant, with many special tables. Ash's Mom had managed to book one of these tables, Serena and Ash sitting in a room to themselves, waiters only coming in to let them order. 

"It really has, hasn't it?" Ash said, realising this was true. He picked up his glass and took a sip of the lemonade that was swirling around in it. 

"Here is your food" a waiter came through the door, stepping up two steps to get to the table, which was in the centre of a red room, with a brass chandelier hanging from the roof, as well as candles braced to the walls. The waiter put down two plates and then headed back outside.

"When your Mom said she had booked a table here, I didn't expect it to be this good" Serena prepared everything she needed before eating, Ash smiling at her as she did this.

"She always does this, though, like a few months ago and the random trip to Sinnoh" Ash pointed out, before shovelling in a load of food into his mouth. 

"That's true. Didn't she help out last year?" Serena brought up a topic that Ash didn't like. Last year, after the tournament, Ash and Parker saved Serena from a life that would have been full of darkness in its purest form. She would have loathed everyone but the people that shared the same ideals as her in that state. Ash didn't like what had happened and didn't want to remember it.

"She was there..." Ash spoke silently, looking down at his plate.

"Sorry...I forgot that you didn't like talking about it" Serena reached a hand out and put it on Ash's. "We're all okay now, that's all that matters"

Ash slowly looked up and flashed a weak smile, but nodded. "You're right, I am being stupid"

"You're not being stupid, you're being a messy eater" Serena giggled, looking down to Ash's chest. Ash looked down and noticed the little bit of sauce on his shirt, something Ash had never worn besides when he was with Serena. 

"Better than a picky eater" Ash grinned, picking up a napkin to clean it up. 

After a few more minutes, the waiter from before stepped back in, straightening himself up in a formal manner. He coughed into his hand to bring their attention to him and then smiled delicately. 

"Someone said that they have come to see Ash Ketchum?" the waiter looked to Ash, who seemed surprised.

"Let them come in, please" Ash smiled back politely and the waiter nodded, before backing out into the main room.

"I wonder who it could be..." Serena said, both of them eyeing up the door, anticipating the entry of someone else. Lance stepped through the door and sort of surprised them both.

"I don't mean to interrupt" Lance smiled, raising a hand in greeting.

"It's fine,f" Ash said, but Serena frowned to herself. "What do you want?"

"I have a familiar person who needs to talk to you. I also need to be here so I can hear what he has to say and what will be going on" Lance's words confused Ash, but then Parker came in and he stared blankly between the two.

"Long time no see" Parker casually grinned, hands in his pockets as usual.

"Wha-" Ash wasn't sure what to say, he continued to stare.

Hall of Fame (Going For Glory Sequel) - An Amourshipping FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz