Chapter 29 - Brock & Clemont

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Clemont came racing down with Gary, both leaping off the last two steps and hopping to a halt by the doorway. Steps continued to echo as everyone else followed. Bonnie was waiting at the doorway.

"Here...they are" Clemont sighed with relief and took a few steps forward.

" are we going to get them out?" Gary wondered, folding his arms and furrowing his eyebrows. He was clearly thinking hard about a solution.

"I can use one of my machines, it won't be too difficult" Clemont suggested, putting his bag down. There was no time for games so he went straight to work.

"Don't your machines just blow up?" Gary said with a sarcastic tone. He couldn't help but smirk.

"Well, my brother has gotten much better at his work" Bonnie almost scowled her own face off.

"I guess" Gary shrugged, ignoring Bonnie's annoyed reaction.

"Actually, this could blow up. It's kind of a risk too because it might blow up after we connect it to a power source" Clemont didn't even turn away from his bag. The room went silent as the majority of the gang entered all at once.

"Connect it to what power source?" Gary asked, wondering what risk could be involved.

"A big one. The power in the heater I have isn't good enough to melt the ice and take them out of the casing. We need a big source of power and if it blows up, this whole room goes up in flames" Clemont shrugged as if he was casually asking about the weather.

"I am sure Pikachu can help, right buddy?" Ash took a brief look at Pikachu who nodded eagerly on his shoulder.

"Pika!" Pikachu volunteered willingly.

"Okay, I will bring out Luxray too. I think that should be enough" Clemont carefully brought out the heater. It was a small metal tube with air vents connected to the front. Everyone could see the electric-powered heaters inside.

"Pikachu use all the power you have, okay?" Ash spoke encouragingly to Pikachu.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu replied with confidence.

"Okay if I just grab these here..." Clemont murmured to himself, bringing out four wires. He clipped one end of each to the power supply on the back of the heater and then moved to Pikachu, connecting two of different colours to him. Then, he brought out his Luxray and did the same.

"When should we do it?" Ash asked, looking at Pikachu who seemed eager to get going.

"On three" Clemont finished connecting Luxray and then took a few steps back. "Everyone just prepare yourselves for anything. One..."

Everyone knew what could happen from hearing the conversation and prepared to move in case of an emergency.


Ash looked briefly towards the sky and then at the Pokemon Champions, wondering what might just happen next.


"Pikachu now!" Ash said and Pikachu began discharging electricity from his own body. The current shifted from Pikachu along the wire and into the heater, bringing it to life. Clemont had set the power to full and the whole room was swarmed by the heat. Luxray had also began to feed the heater his energy and the room got even hotter, but the ice was melting fast.

"I ju- realised" Bonnie tried to speak properly but her lips were already feeling try and her throat too.

"What?" Clemont asked her and she turned to him.

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