"And Chris," Mimmi added, nodding.

"What about Cameron and Carly?" Nixie suggested.

Weilan rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and why don't we tell the Queen of England too?!" She asked sarcastically.

"Definitely not," Rita agreed with Weilan, but more kindly.

Zac's cheeks began to flush. "I - Erm..."

Before Zac could continue, Evie entered the grotto, jogging down the steps and heading over to Zac.

"I came as quickly as could," Evie told him.

Everyone's gaze fell upon Zac and Evie.

Zac awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "I may have texted Evie - "

Weilan threw her arms up in the air. "You did WHAT?!"

Ondina rubbed her eyes. "Did you tell anyone else?" She asked Zac.

Zac gave a small sigh. "Actually - "

Just as Zac spoke, Cameron entered the grotto.

"Whoa!!!" He cried, looking around;  Cameron had only been in the grotto once before, and a lot more ornaments and furniture in.

"Did you invite anyone else?" Nixie asked.

Zac shook his head.

Cameron took a seat in between Lyla and Nixie. He slowly put his arms around their shoulders.

"Hello, my little fish chicks," Cameron smirked.

Nixie have him an annoyed look and spoke through gritted teeth. "Don't even think about it."

Cameron immediately stood up and headed over to the other side of the room.

"And now we just wait until Veridia arrives," Mimmi said.

Five minutes later, the Head of the Mermaid Council arrived.

Veridia swiftly entered the grotto, wearing a white coat and black high heels, and went over to Rita, before facing everyone else.

"As soon as Mimmi and Zac last the Moon Pool, I sent some mermaids out to try track Erik," Veridia said calmly.

"I'm glad I didn't have to go this time," Nixie whispered to herself. 

"And do you know where he is?" Mimmi asked.

Veridia nodded slowly. "Well, we do not know exactly where he is now, but we do know that he is now on his way to Mako Island."

Sirena and Nixie gasped. Weilan, Zac and Mimmi caught their breaths. Evie immediately held Zac's hand. Lyla turned pale, and Ondina's heart beat quickened, and everyone could hear it.

Ondina was the first to stand up and speak. "How long will it take him to get here?"

"He is in the white boat with the two land-women, and some young men. Based on their location and current speed, they will be here two days after the next full moon."

"So in six days?" Cameron summed up.

Veridia looked at him. "Yes, land-boy."

Cameron coughed, but didn't say anything.

"What can we do to help?" Zac offered. "Do you want us to help guard Mako Island? Guard the Moon Pool? Guard the Merman Chamber? Swim out and stop Erik before he gets any closer?"

Veridia looked at Zac. "The Mermaid Council and I don't want you to help."

"What?!" Lyla, Mimmi, and Weilan cried.

"I'm sorry," Veridia said. "But you have all saved Mako more then enough times... Erik will know that you will all try stop him. The best thing for us to do is have a new set of mermaids, ready to defeat Erik."

Ondina sighed, but she knew better then not to mess with the Mermaid council.

"Well, shouldn't you take some of us with you?" Nixie questioned Veridia. "As we've battled Erik before, we know his strengths and weaknesses."

Veridia turned to face Nixie. "If all hope is lost, we shall turn to you."

"But - " Nixie began, but Lyla forced Nixie back into her seat. Nixie slumped down and folded her arms, like a grumpy three year old child.

Ondina couldn't help but feeling like Nixie cared more about finding Erik then she did... What was going through Nixie's head?

Veridia left the grotto after whispering something in Rita's ear (to which Rita nodded).

"Is Aquata safe?" Sirena asked Veridia, just before she exited.

Veridia nodded. "Yes, your sister and some others have taken the young hatchlings and their mothers' to a safe place."

And just as Veridia left, Carly, David and Chris entered the grotto.

"Wow," Carly blinked, looking around. "This place looks amazing."

David immediately headed over to Sirena. "Are you okay?" He asked her. Sirena nodded.

Chris headed over to Mimmi, who stood up. "Are you okay?" He asked her. "You didn't shoot up for your afternoon shift."

Mimmi put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes, exhaling deeply. "I completely forgot."

Rita turned to face Zac. "Did you invite the whole school?" Rita couldn't help but add anger in her voice.

"Zac didn't invite us, Principal Santos... I mean, Rita" Carly replied quickly. "It was Cam."

Everyone looked at Cameron, who glared at Carly.

"Thanks for that," Cameron whispered sarcastically.

Carly smiled, giving a teasing shrug. "You're welcome."

"Well, we were wondering where Cameron was, because he didn't come in for his cheese burger, which he orders every evening," David explained. "Carly texted him, and he replied telling us where to find you."

"I didn't tell you to come and find me," Cameron muttered his reply.

"Where are we?" Chris asked, looking around.

"Who invited him?" Weilan asked, pointing at Chris with her thumb. Ondina pulled a face and shrugged.

"I told you," Chris replied, "Mimmi didn't show up for her shift."

"What's going on?" David asked nobody in particular.

Sirena sighed unhappily. "Erik... He's back."

David immediately pulled Sirena close to him, as if he were protecting her from Erik.

Carly's eyes widened and she faced Evie. "You're joking?!"

"Who's Erik?" Chris asked.

Mimmi turned to face him. "Trust me, you don't want to know."

"So... What do we do now?" Lyla asked.

Zac looked at Ondina, as if waiting for her answer.

Ondina sighed. "I guess we just sit quiet for the next six days... And then we save Mako Island."

Mermaids Vs Mermen (A 'Moon Stones Gone Missing' Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now