Chapter Eight (Part One)

Start from the beginning

She huffed. “Just for that I’m hanging up.”

With that I heard a click and the call ended. I chuckled to myself and pulled down their gravel road that led up to a two story house that had been in the Jones’ family for a long time. The usual large yard was accompanied by not a few cars, more like ten . . . or fifteen. I parked in the first spot I saw and I felt extremely bad about parking there afterwards, It was going to be a tight squeeze for myself, and the two other cars to get out of that space.

The heels on my boots smashed against the gravel and then made a louder noise against the sidewalk leading up to the fancy oak door. Before I could even knock on the door, it swung open and I felt my knees go weak.

The same -annoying- cocky, smile was plastered on William’s lip while his body was covered. . . and covered well, damnit.

His chest was covered up by a white crew neck shirt. As a light jacket, he wore a button up red, flannel shirt. I bit my lip and slowly my eyes traveled down to his waist, where a pair of dark wash jeans fit him loosely.

“Like what you see,” he asked cockily.

I brought my eyes back up to him and smiled sweetly. “Actually. . .”

He smiled and leaned against the door frame. “Yes?”

“I was wondering if you own any other type of button ups, or do you prefer to wear the same one. . . over and over again?”

He smiled and wrapped a finger around one of my strands of hair. “I don’t know, do you always strike the prey a mile away?”

“You’re about to get pu---”

“There you are!” Rachel fluttered. “It’s about time! William how dare you keep her out in the cold!” She lightly smacked his shoulder.

But his eyes never left mine. “I’m sorry. . .”

His finger released the bouncy curl and slowly, he moved the finger down my arm and I felt fire. This fire was taking control of my entire body. The flames went to my head, to my heart, and to a few other spots that shouldn’t be mentioned. The one fingers turned into his hand as it wrapped around my hand softly.

Our eyes still were connected and I didn’t feel threaten, but I did feel something I had never felt anything like this before I met William. I felt lust, passion, love? I felt my cheeks start to burn and I didn’t know if it was from the cold winds, or from the heated stare of William.

He can’t be my mate, I thought.

William’s gaze switched. I could sense the lust and passion but then it was hurt and anger. His hand quickly -and roughly- left mine and he turned his back on me and left. My body started to feel a way I didn’t want it to feel. My entire body felt cold and abandoned. The same two feelings that I felt after I lost my dad, and after I lost my mom.

My head hung a bit and I rubbed my temples. “I said that out loud didn’t I?”

Rachel made a little noise and shrugged just a bit. “Well you didn’t think it to yourself if that’s what you asked.”

I groaned and felt my arm being tugged into a room full of a bunch of people, who made me feel uncomfortable for the first couple of minutes but I had to be polite and talk to everyone. Most of the comments I heard were “Oh honey that’s such a privilege to be The Queen…” or “Oh kiddo you‘ll be ok. Or my personal favorite, “Oh sweetheart don’t worry about your mom she’s in a better place. She’s with your father watching you.”

I groaned inwardly. Yeah…here I am in a state with no family and I’m going to be ok.

I excused myself from a conversation as the Jones’ and a few other people started to bring the food out. I smiled politely and excused myself out to the kitchen. The first thing I looked for was the giant hole me and that ginger wolf caused, but Mrs. and Mr. Jones got it fixed and painted in the knick of time. I smiled and ran my fingers over the newly painted wall. Memories of how my mom looked when she spoke of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Walker. She was happy, smiling from ear to ear, laughing at how they acted when they were teens. It made me feel even worse. She would love to be here now, and here I am, sulking.

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