Teddie Is Unbearable

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Soo... I got tagged by TP_Creator and Marumaru-san.


Rules are:

1. You can't refuse.

2. It must have a creative title. (Persona 4 players will get my title. XD)

3. Write 13 facts about yourself.

4. Tag 15 other people.

Facts about myself:

1. I'm Indonesian.

2. I'm a HUGE Karmagisa fan.

3. I'm the youngest in my family.

4. I play a LOT of games.

5. I play osu!.

6. I really like to draw.

7. My favorite food is sushi.

8. I have two cats.

9. I suck at shooting games.

10. I can't draw hands so I always hide them behind the body. ( XD )

11. All the songs I have are from anime/ are Japanese. (WEEB WEEB)

12. I watch YouTube a LOT.

13. My family calls me "The Karate Sleeper" because I can't stay still while I'm sleeping.


1. AnimePhandomTrash

2. Karmagisa

3. KarmagisaTrash

4. animeshipperr

5. AzfarZuhairuse

6. bluz_potato

7. TudijhZiry

8. Potatocchi_

9. TheVelveteenChibi

10. Leonaex

11. yourlazyauthor

12. AniMusix479

13. DJShadowGirl

14. nagisaxkarmaa

15. SaltySweetsAreOP

If you got tagged twice or more in a row... I'm sorry. XD

P.S. Don't worry, I don't think Teddie is unbearable. XD He's cute. Kuma kuma~


Rewritten [Book 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ