Chapter 21 "More Secrets"

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I know I shouldn't have done it. I love Austin. What the hell is wrong with me.? I was just upset.... Im a fuck up. I fucked up everything how could I do this to him. Ive never cheated before in my life. It was just revenge.. But he didnt kiss back... He tried to get her off... I fucked his best friend out of hrt and anger. What the hell am I doing.? Its my best friends boyfriend.... My boyfriends best friend.

"This cant leave us you got it.?" I said putting my clothes back on.

"It was a mistake... I was just angry. We cant say anything okay.? NOTHING HAPPENED.!" I said to Jessie again.

"Baby I wont tell anyone." Jessie said, trying to seduce me.

"Dont call me baby im not your baby. I have to go bye." I said walking out. I cant believe I fucking did that. I went to the hospital and got my cast off so I can drive again. I fucked up. Was the only thing that kept going through my head. I need Austin. Now. I need him to tell me everythings okay, even though its not. I cant tell him though... It'll kill him. He's such a sweet guy and He love me so much. Im meeting him at the Airport tomorrow.... Ill be better. So I went to my hotel and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up took a shower, then went to the airport. I was hoping maybe we would go out for breakfest to talk. Cause Im starving.

I went threw airport security, then waited at the gate for Austin. His plane lands in 10 minutes. I could go get breakfast while im waiting.... But maybe he's hungry to.

My hands started shaking really bad, my heart started to pump, and I started to sweat. That I was about to face Austin.. After I ran off on him, an cheated with his best friend. If you were in my postion right now you'd be doing the same thing.

The gates opened, the first person I seen was Austin. He looked sad, but when he looked at me his eyes lit up and a smile came on his face, showing his beautiful pearly whites. As he walked up to me I got more nervous. I wanted to just run into his arms.... But... I cant.. Maybe I should.? I will.

""Austin.. I missed you." I said starting to cry. "Im sorry for running off on you, and leaving you without telling you. Im sorry." I cried, squeezing him, he squeezed me back. I didnt want to let go, and I could tell Austin didnt either.

"Its alright baby.. Its alright. Im sorry you had to see that... I missed you to." Austin said into me ear, his arms were around my waist. I decided to kiss him, nobody's kisses were like Austin's. I couldnt explain to you what it feels like.. Cause its something I only feel with him. No one else.

Austin kissed back until he heard my stomach growl. "Baby lets go get you something to get. How bout Ihop.? We'll go get my bags first." He said taking my hand and walking me towards the baggage area.

Guilty. Thats how I felt everytime I looked at Austin. The man of my dreams.. I love him, and its killing me not to tell him. This has to stay a secret. This cant get out there. But if I dont tell him and he finds out from someone else he'll be even more hurt. But if I tell him now maybe he would be alittle more chill about it cause i being honest with him. I dont know.. What should I do.?

"What do you want to eat.?" Austin asked me sitting across from me at Ihop. "Strawberry pancakes with whip cream." I said looking at the menu.

"Do you wanna talk about it now or...?" Austin asked me.

"Yea sure." I gave him a quick glance then looked back down at the food sotting in front of me. I couldnt look him in the eye. Why did I do this to myself.?

"I was recording a new song when Rocco told me he wanted me to meet someone, I walked out of the sound booth when Dave stopped me. "You need to watch it hes trying to get rid of Becca." Then I walked away. I said Hi asked where my beautiful girlfriend was then I walked away. The girl came up behind me screaming my name so I turned around and before I knew it she was on me. She pushed me against the wall, and wouldnt let me get away. Thats when you came in. I didnt kiss back. I ran after you for hours... In the rain. I...i couldnt let the person I love the most in life leave me." He said looking straight at me. My eyes started to tear up. He lifted my chin, looking deep into my eyes.

"Whats wrong..?" He asked me still looking into my eyes. He cupped my cheek with his hand, rubbing his thumb on it.

"No...nothing... Im jus..just hungry." I said I felt a warm tear run down my cheek. I love Austin. Hes everything I could ask for. I...I fucked it up.

"Okay.? Uhm do u have anything to say or tell me.?" He asked me. He...he didnt kiss back, and I went and fucked his best friend. Well actually his best friend came onto me. But I kissed back... Im a bitch I dont deserve Austin.

"Austin..I." Started to say before I got cut off by the waitress.

"Hows your food guys.?" A very petite girl asked us.

"Its great thanks." I said before looking back at Austin.

"Want more juice.?" She asked us, I could tell she was trying to get Austins attention. So I kicked Austin from under the table, he gave me a disapproving look so I answered her again.

"No were fine thanks." I said looking back at Austin. He looked annoyed. Wait a minute... Thats the girl that kissed him... After a while of standing there awkwardly the waitress finally left.

"Soo what were you saying.?" Austin asked taking a bite of his waffle. He was completely honest with me... Maybe I should be honest with him to.

"I...uh... You were completely honest with me... Soo... Im going to be completely honest with you. Please dont get mad." I said looking him in the eyes, I could see confusion in them.

"Okay I promise." He said, I took his hand and as I thought more about the outcome I started to cry. HARD.

"Hey baby... You can tell me anything.. You know that right. Do you wanna get out of here to talk.?" He asked me squeezing my hand.

"Yea can we go to the park.?" I said glancing in the napkin tin. My eyes were blood shot and my makeup was starting to run down my face.

"Yea sure." He put money on the table then we left. We were sitting on the swings, I decided it would be better to tell him now before, he finds out later.

"Austin.. When I seen you kiss her I though you were cheating and I thought we were over.. I kinda went over to Jessies house and we kinda did stuff. It was because I was hurt. I didnt mean to I totally regret it. I love you more than anything on this planet." I said crying extremely hard now.

"Ohh... Well, I can tell your really beating yourself up for it. Thank you for being honest with me. We have a plane to catch." He said... I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I could see the hurt in his eyes. He must actually love me if he still wants me to go to Japan with him.

"Y... You dont want to break up with me.?" I asked him.

"No, I am angry and hurt about it but... Theres nothing I can do. You did it. And you forgave me so I have to forgive you. Plus I..I cant loose you again." He said taking my hand.

"Okay." I said gripping his hand. I turned him around and hugged him. Thats all I needed was a hug from him. I felt 100 X better.





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