Chapter 9 "Memories Of You"

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Becca's pov:

Ive never fought so much in my life. NEVER. Eve since my mom died 2 months back, and now Austins leaving I dont know what im going to do. So i broke down crying. CRYING. Out of all things. Im just hurt from everything at this point.

"Becca whats wrong.? Austin said, before he left to board the plane. It probably didnt make him feel any better that I just broke down crying right as he was leaving.

"Just everything dont worry about it. I dont want you to go." I said holding in the rest of my tears till I got to drive home. Yes I only have my permit and im driving home. But I get my license next week so its ok.

" Flight 74 to miami now boarding." The woman over the intercom said.

I hugged Austin tight. We just stood there hugging. "Ill be back in 2 months dont worry babe" Austin said in my ear i felt something wet on my neck, i knew they were his tears.

"Last call for flight 74 Miami."

"Bye Austin be careful, call me when you land, I love you." I said to Austin he seemed out of it.

"I will, I love you to." He said giving me a kiss before he started to walk off with my hand not wanting to let go. He turned around gave me a little smile then left. I watched him walk till I couldnt see him anymore.

The drive home was long and depressing. 2 hour drive of nothing but crying, with the little music in the back round. I pulled into the drive way went inside layed on Austins pillow which smelled like him, then cried myself to sleep.


"Mom what are you doing.?" I asked her while she goofed around in the car.

"Im jammin, come on." She said laughing.

I started dancing with her. Laughing and giggling. "Mom..?"

"Yea Becca?" She asked still goofing around.

"Where are we going we cant seem to get out of this town. We've just been going in circles."

"Oh i dont know.. Uhhh ohhh."

"What happened mom why are we stopping.?"

"We ran out of gas..."


"I dont know."

"ITS A MASK MURDERER!" I screamed. He killed my mon then he killed me. AAHHHHH!

AAHHH! I woke up from a nightmare. It was only a night mare...WAIT! No... My moms actually dead. I just broke down crying right there on Austins bed. Hes out of town so he cant comfort me, or take my mind off of anything. I decided to check my phone.

From Austin: Hey Baby answer the phone are you ok." 5 missed calls.

To Austin: yea babe sorry I fell asleep.... Call me please.

CAUSE YOUR HEART IS IN MY HANDS.... My phone rang, i answered it cause I knew it was Austin.

"Hey babe.." I said sniffling.

"Hey baby, whats wrong?" He asked I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I miss you.... And I had a dream about my mom. A bad dream and your not here and shes dead and im all alone. Unless I go over to Jessies."

"Im sorry... I wish i could be there with you baby, I dont like that idea but if it keeps your mind off of things go for it. Btw the other day was amazing."

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