Chapter 19 "I Want You To Stay"

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I was awaken by my phone going off, taking me out of of my dream. Jessie was fine in my dream. He was plain old regular Jessie.

"Hello.." I said into the phone, not realizing what time it was.

"We need you in the studio. We've got tons of work to do." I heard Rocco on the other line.

"I...I cant. My best friends o the urge of dying. Your gonna have to wait." I said in a low tone.

"Mhmm baby who are you talking to.?" Becca asked me, starting to kiss my lips.

"Rocco" I whispered. Kissing her back.

"Austin I need you in the Studio tomorrow it'll only take a few hours I promise." He kept going on but I zoned out kissing Becca.


"Shes not a chick, shes my girl, and no Im eating." I lied to him. "Shes sleeping, I was to before this pointless phone call. Im not in miami your gonna have to live with it." I said to him before hanging up. I honestly dont care anymore, my best friend is pretty much dying, I'm not going anywhere.

"Who was that.?" Becca asked me.

"Rocco... He wanted me to go into the studio today, but I told him im not going cause of Jessie." I told my beautiful girlfriend.

"Oh, but baby its your job. Your fans are gonna be disappointed." She said rubbing my abdominal area. Let me tell you it felt good. It was soothing.

"My fans will understand." I said before picking her up making her straddle me.

"But there expecting an album soon." She said leaning closer to my face.

"And Jessies my best friend." I said looking Becca in the eyes. I moved my hands to her waist, rubbing her hips.

"Once Jessies better you'll jump right back into the studio right.?" She asked me I could see the concern in her eyes.

"Promise." I said still rubbing her hips.

"Good." She said with a smile.

"You have the most beautiful eyes." I said closing the gap in between us. I really did love this girl, everything about her is perfect. Theres nothing imperfect. How did I get so lucky.? Ive been waiting years for her, and now that I have her I'm never letting go. Not without a fight.

"Thank you" she blushed rubbing my chest. I moved my hands to her butt pushing her up so the gap was closed again. The she laid on me with her head in my chest. I could hear her breathing, then we both fell asleep.



Ive been in the hospital room the past 5 days waiting for Jessie to wake up. I havent slept, ate or drank anything in 4 days. I ate today cause the nurses forced me to. I cant loose Jessie, he's the love of my life. I hope when he wakes up he realizes that.

"Hey Amber hows Jessie doing.?" Rebecca came in with Austin trailing closely behind her. I still wish I had a relationship like theres, they NEVER argue.

"Alittle better we got movement out of him. His fingers have been moving." I said happily, I hope he wakes up I really do.

"Thats great." Austin said giving me a hug. How could I ask for better friends.? There the best.

"Amber you wanna go out for some lunch.?" Rebecca asked me hugging me.

"Im not hu..." I started to say before I got cut off by a nurse.

"Yea she'd love to. She hasnt ate anything in days." The nurse just barged in.

"Alright we'll leave in a few. Austin are you gonna stay here or are you going to come with.?" Becca asked, Im seriously like in love with there relationship. Ive been blowing off cheer practice and competitions to stay in the hospital with Jessie.

"YES IM STARVING.!" Austin screamed. I wonder if Jessie can hear us talking. I dont know.... Ive been talking to him and telling him I love him and how im here for him. But what if he doesnt feel like same.?

We were just talking about everything at lunch. I honestly wasnt hungry. I just wanted to make sure Jessie was going to be okay..... He was gonna make it. As we were talking my phone started to ring. It was the hospital.

"Hello.?" I said into the phone.

"Hi Amber this is nurse Jessica, we need you to come back right away we have something to tell you." She said. I didnt know weather it would be good news or bad.

"Al..alright, ill be there right away." I said before hanging up.

"We have to go NOW." I said to Austin and Rebecca. Austin took some money out and left it on the table. We all stood up and went back to the hospital.

When we got to Jessie's room there was a few nurses in the room and the doctor.

"Amber nice to see you again." The doctor said with a smile. How can he possibly be smiling right now.?

"Thanks you to." I said giving him a worried look.

"Im sorry to tell you this but we need to pull the plug." He said calmly, my jaw dropped and I froze.

"W..wh...what...? cant." My eyes started to tear up.

"We have to." He said, hes still going to do it even though im not okay with it.

"Can we have a moment with him..?" Austin said looking at the doctor.

"Yea sure." Doctor said, walking out.i I ran up to Jessie laying peacefully on his hospital bed and kissed him.

"Je..jessie.... Your my best friend I...I love you.. You know that. But please wake up. Pl...please. I cant loose you.. Youve been here threw everything, youve helped me threw everything. A..and now im here helping you. Please wake up babe, I..I dont want to say goodbye like this... I love you." With that I kissed his lips again.

Austin walked up to jessie and started talking. I walked out cause I was sobbing.

"Okay are you guys ready.?" The doctor asked walking back into the room.

"Y...yea.." We said. He put his hand on the switch right as he was about to push it Jessies eyes popped open.





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