Chapter 10 "Your Home!"

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Becca's pov:

"Jessie seriously stop kissing me. I dont want your crabs. AUSTIN'S CALLING." I said trying to get Jessie to stop touching, and kissing me. Ever since Austin left he's been doing this.

"Mhm Rebecca, I want you." He said trying to seduce me, it wasnt working.

"You know my dick is better then his, you've had it before." Jessie said still trying to seduce me.

"You mean your pinky size dick that cant even satisfy a cat. Seriously get off now." I said kicking him in his nono pipe, atleast he moved. I answered my phone. Excited to talk to Austin.

"BABE!" He screamed into the phone.

"BABE! I MISS YOU COME HOME!" I screamed back.

"I am... Right now." I heard the smile in his voice. "Im on the plane you need to be at the air port in 2 hours." He said.

I tried to cover the phone so Austin wouldnt hear me. " Jessie back off." Austin caughed into the phone "excise me what is Jessie doing to you.?" He asked in a protective voice.

"Babe dont worry about it. We'll talk about it when you get home." I said getting kinda shaky.

"Uhm, alright babe well I have to go. I love you. If he touches you in anyways you dont like tell me."

"Will do love you to babe." Then I hung up.

"Actually..... Becca my dick couldnt fit in a cat.. It would have to be a horse in order for it to look small." He said looking at me with a joking face.

"Shut up! That made no since. Your so stupid. I have to go to the air port. Bye" i said walking away annoyed.

"I WANNA GO!" he said shouting like a kid.

"Your 17 not 5" i said in a serious tone.

"COME ON! YOU KNOW IT'LL BE FUN!" WE CAN HAVE AMBER COME TO!" He said now screaming in my ear.

"How about... I call amber over here, I go home and get my bathing suit then ill come back!" I said trying to trick him.

"THATS A GREAT IDEA! BUT WHAT ABOUT AUSTIN.?" He said his voice didnt even sound like he cared about Austin, kinda like an annoyed tone.

"Ill uhm... Have my brother pick them up." I lied. If you havent caught on im dealing with a 5 year old now. Jessie has these moments all the time, but only when he doesnt get his way.

"That sounds like a great idea.! Be back here in 30 mins! Ill call Amber." He said excited.

"Ok bye." Then i left.

If you were wondering, Ambers been back for a week now. We still havent had are one on one girl time yet though. Shes been really busy, Jessie would be lucky if she could even make it over to his house. Before I knew it I was back at Austin's house. I took a fast shower, grabbed an apple and jumped in the car.

It been over 3 hours ive been stuck in this damned car. Im stuck in traffic. Fml. I have only moved about a mile in this traffic. I decided I would turn on the radio, just who I wanted to hear. Austin's new song was o the radio. I rolled down the windows, put my arm on the window seal and rested my head on it. I felt like one of those preppy girls. I had red sun glasses on, to match my black tank top, and black shorts. I had my long blonde hair straight down my back, and metal bracelets on my wrists.

My phone started ringing. It was Austin, i turned the radio down enough so I could hear what he was saying.


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