'The After Math'

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Heey Guys! I just wanted to surprize you guys with a chapter about the after math in Michelle's pov. This is the VERY last chapter.  And if you guys were wondering... Brody looks like Logan Austins acutal cousin.

   WARNING: This chapter will make you cry. 


    "Its been over 24 hours.. Mommy and Daddy havent called me yet." I said to Brody, he was sitting on my lap eating a cookie. He looked at me, I picked up my phone to call them. No Answer. 

    " In other news, Flight 94 going to the Caribbean has gone missing. There's no signs of landing or communication with anyone that was on board." The News lady explained, I stopped paying attention to Bordy.. That was there flight. I called them again.No Answer. Tears immediately started streaming down my face. This cant be. I looked down at Brody, he was looking at the front door as if someone was there. 

   "No ones there Buddy.." I sniffled trying to suck the tears up. "Everythings alright Michelle, your just over thinking." I whispered to myself. Bordy put his hands up pointing at the door. 

  "Gah" Brody spoke baby... I cant speak baby. 

  "We found flight 94 belongings in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. No survivors are found yet. So far 25 people are dead." After 3 commercials the lady came back on saying. This cant be....25 people, Everyone else is missing. This cant be happening. 

    "Michelle it isnt true is it?" Alex barged in the door saying, tears streaming down his face along with mine. I looked at him setting Bordy in his play pin, I walked up to Alex hugging him. "Everythings going to be alright, we dont know if they survived yet." I explained. 

   "They only found 25 people so far.. its like every 20 minutes they have a new upda-" I got cut off by the lady on tv coming back on.

   "Rescue crews found a couple laying on a little island, Austin Mahone and Rebecca Williams, they almost made it." I looked over at Alex, I dropped to my hands and knee's crying. 

   "They're so young..." I said sobbing, I looked over at Alex he was worst than me shockingly. "MY BABY" I screamed, Letting everything out. I crawled over to Alex wrapping my arms around him.

  "Michelle, Im so sorry." Alex said trying to calm down the mood. 

   "We just gained 2 new angels." I barely spit out, I honestly couldnt tell you what was going through my head at the moment. When your son and sons girlfriend that you were like a mother to dies theres not much to really think. Im in shock. Brody... How is Bordys life going to be like now. He doesnt have either parent. 

  "Aus..Austin was going to propose to her, he was planning to spend his whole life with her." Alex explained, I looked at him shocked. He walked over to Brody picking him up. "Ill watch over him, thats what Austin would want me to do... We cant send him to a orphanage."

   "We'll discuss this later... We need to start planning a funral." He shook his head in agreement, I Looked at my phone, it was blowing up. Probably Mahomies going crazy about it, and family. Im not ready to talk about it, when I'm ready I will tell Mahomies. Looking over at Brody still confused at why he keeps looking at the door.

  -2 weeks later- 

   Funeral day


   A mothers worst nightmare has come, stripping my body from my robe I put a beautiful black dress on that Rebecca had picked out for me a couple years ago. Going light on the makeup, cause this is definitely not a good day to be wearing it. Putting Brody in a nice little suit, I walked down stairs to find Alex, Andrew, Rob, Jessie, Zach, and Sarah. They all looked nice in there suits, and Sarah beautiful as always in an elegant black dress with a lace back. They all looked distraught, like they had been crying all night. " Michelle" Sarah said walking up to me hugging me, the tears started to stream down my face. She didnt say anything, there was nothing much to say. "Mom" Brody said pointing at the door where her bedroom was. 

  "Brody, Mommy isnt here right now..Wait.. Did you just say Mom?" I looked at him, hes still pointing at the door. He started to move his hands in a direction like someone was walking. What is this child doing? I dont know how im going to put this to him when hes older. 

      "Lets get going Michelle, we cant be late" Alex explained, the poor boy looked so lost. We shortly arrived at the church where Austin used to go to youth group. Our entire family was there, crying, along with that all the mahomies standing outside. Music playing in the back round of the entire service, It was my go to do a speech, the very first speech. I walked up to the stage looking down at everyone trying to fight back the tears, 

   "My baby boy, my only child, my Austin. He's Gone, this is honestly a mothers worse nightmare. I never thought that this day would have come so soon." I stopped trying to fight back the tears "I remember when he was just a youngin' playing guitar and singing. Watching your child go through all of these struggles and disappointments isnt the easiest thing to deal with. He followed his dream, making me the happiest mother in the world. Watching his ear to ear smile every night was heart warming. But there was this one girl that I noticed helped him get through everything, made his day. Without her, he was lost, with her his whole world was made. Rebecca, her mother had died and I took her under my wing. Her and Austin were always best friends, I supported there relationship, what else can a mother do?" I let out a soft chuckle "When I found out they were starting a family, all's I could think to do was support them. In a way I was disappointed, but how could you be when that was the love of your sons life? Not even a year ago they had Brody, a very handsome young man that reminds me of Austin. The way his eyes sparkle, is exactly like Austins. We may have lost 2 of the sweetest people but we gained 2 amazing angels, that will help and guide us in the right direction. And watch over there son Brody and hopefully be as proud of him as I was of both of them. I love and miss both of you, you will forever be in out hearts." I finished crying, everyone in the room was crying. I turned around looking at the picture of them 2 how happy and perfect they were perfect together. It reminded me of Carter (Austin's dad) and I. I stepped off stage taking Brody out of Alex's Hand. Alex did his speech setting everyones tears off once again. After everyone was done we all just had some off time to talk and spend time with family. 

   I walked up to a picture of Austin and Becca looking at it, going through all the memories all of us have had together. Watching them grow into strong adults. Brody turned in my arms looking at the picture, pointing at it once again, "Mama" He pointed at Becca, then pointed at Austin and said "dada" This killed me. I broke down once again. Letting him know in the future will be one of the hardest things to do then actually dealing with it, but I will raise him just as I did Austin cause I know that, thats what Austin and Becca would have wanted. 


 Heey guys! Im crying writing this. I cant belive this book is actually over. 

  Thanks you guys for your support! Please check out my other book 'Prove Me Wrong"

Secrets Between Us.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें