Chapter 8 "Im Back"

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Beccas's pov:

After I beat that chicks ass, Austin wouldnt stop starring at me. It was kinda weird. I went and sat on his lap cause I was trynna figure out what his deal was. He's never seen me fight so I kinda understand why he'd be in shock.

"What are you doin Becca.?" Austin asked me nonchalantly.

"Sitting on your lap why.?" I asked curiously. "Austin why are you acting weird. You act like you've never seen a girl get thrown out a window. LAGIT!" I said kinda laughing.

"Ive just never seen you fight... HOLY CRAP!" He said. But he was still acting weird.


Austin's pov:

After Becca's fight I got a text from my ex Courtney. Saying shes in town and she wants to meet up. When I say my ex Courtney I mean I was in love with her. Well at least I thought I was. Until she cheated on me with Becca's ex Max. You see what had happened there.

I froze at the text. All of our old memories came back, that I thought I forgot. Becca came and sat on my lap, and kinda startled me. Im not letting Courtney getting in the way of me and my perfect girl.


We walked back to my house hand, in hand. I have my permit so O cant fully drive yet. Becca's in drivers ed now. Still holding hands we both run up to my room, my mom wasnt home thank god. "Becca I need to tell you something."

"Yes Austin?" we stopped in front of my bed room door.

"Im leaving tomorrow for Miami again." I said looking down at my feet.

"Oh" I could hear the hurt in her voice.

So I did what i thought was smart. I grabbed her kinda pushed her into the wall and kissed her, she didnt hesitate to kiss back. I ran my hands down her body till I got to her nice thick thighs, an picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and i carried her into my room not breaking our kiss. I could feel clark getting excited. I closed the door and pined her on the wall again. She bite my bottom lip letting me know she was ready. I carried her to the bed, and got on top of her taking her shirt off, kissing down her body, till I got to her shorts. I licked right under her belly button, and un did her pants. I looked up at her to make sure It was ok, she just shook her head in approval. I took her pants down, the flipped her so she was on top of me.

"Becca are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked before I was about to go in.

"Yea" she said giving me a devilish smile.

I went in we both let out a loud moan. Mr. Clark was huge and ready. After about 30 mins of screaming each other's names we stopped. Then there was a nock at the door. "Really right now? Out of all moment! Fucking people just have to always ruin amazing moments." Becca said breathing heavy. I got dressed and Becca went to take a shower. I went to answer the door. Guess who it was.... Courtney.


Becca's pov:

After Austin's and mines amazing moment, I decided to take a shower. I couldnt stop thinking about how amazing Austin is, he's absolutely perfect. Austin's leaving tomorrow kept running through my head. "Austin's leaving tomorrow" I whispered. I heard a girls voice in the hall so i decided to end my shower early.

I got dressed in mini dark blue shorts and a cute cami, I was about to walk out when I heard Courtney's voice.

"Austin I want you back. I can give you everything. I...I love you. Im so stupid for cheating on you, honetly O hate myself." Courtney said getting closer I was now up against the wall and had no where else to go.

"Courtney get away from me and get out. I told you im over you. Im done with you. I found someone else. Who I happen to care about alot, shes the most perfect, most beautiful girl ive ever met. I think im in love with her. No i KNOW im in love with her." I said trying to get away from Courtney, but obviously that wasn't working.

Austins pov:

"AUSTIN WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OUT HERE.?!" Becca walked out of the bathroom screaming.

"Im trying to get her away from me, but if you couldnt tell i cant move." I said awkwardly.

"REBECCA!? THE GIRL YOUR IN LOVE WITH IS REBECCA!? MAX'S EX? THE GIRL THAT BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ME WHEN WE WERE GOING OUT. REALLY AUSTIN YOU COULD DO WAY BETTER. SHES NOT EVEN PRETTY." Courtney said, i could tell that hurt becca and it hurt me. "Are you kidding me Austin shes fat and ugly. Shes one of the guys." She said in a lower voice.

"FAT AND UGLY?! IM FAT AND UGLY. RIGHT YOU NEED TO CHECK YOURSELF YOU LITTLE WHORE. THATS WHY YOU CANT EVEN MAKE MAX LOVE YOU.! THAT BOY LOVES EVERYBODY. I MAY BE ON OF THE BOYS, ATLEAST IM NOT A LITTLE SKANKY WHORE LIKE YOU! Becca said, with that she threw Courtney against the walk by her hair and the fought, over me. I just stood there and watched.

Becca got off the ground and dragged Courtney out by her dark brown hair. Down the stairs and out the door. I dont know how I got lucky with such a bad ass.


OHH SHIT! Becca needs to learn how to control her anger.


Do you prefer Austin and Rebecca or Austin with Courtney.?

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