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Chapter 30


"I'm Cindy I'm going to be your counsellor" a lady in her late 20s smiled. I smiled weakly back "Hi, Bonnie.." I mumbled. She looked at my mum then at me "ok, I'm gonna take you in my office while your mum is going to go do some work" she explained walking me into her office. I took a seat as her desk, "so Bonnie do you want to tell me what happened" she asked.

I nodded at the rhetorical question "well 3 guys came into my school and held me hostage" I explained in very few words.

She wrote something down "and how did you feel when this all happened"

"I felt scared, but I also felt safe" I replied. She nodded writing something down again. "And why did you feel safe" she asked. "My boyfriend came all the way from his English class to find me and he took me in his arms" I smiled remembering Cal.

"Tell me about your boyfriend." She stated. I breathed out coming up for word. "His name is Calum,his in his band with his friends called 5 seconds of summer, he can play soccer really well, sometimes he gets jealous of the most pointless things like an 8th grader, he likes to be really protective of me and I love him so much" I smiled, she smiled back "that's the first time I've seen you smile today. I nodded "I love him" I stated she nodded "how about you tell me about your friends?" She asked. I thought back to my friends "well I have Patrick who's the gay one, I have Ava who loves Music, and I have Ashton who is the drummer in the band and is very cheeky, Michael is also in the band he plays guitar and sings an he has a major crush on the school slag and Luke who's also in the he plays lead guitar and vocals" I smiled again. Cindy smiled "now it says here that you got verbal and physical bullied in your first school in Sydney" Cindy stated, I nodded "what happened" she asked.

I played with my fingers which I recently found out is a really bad habit of fine "erm some girls got jealous and bullied me" I sighed, I know counseling is all questions and crap but I'm starting to get annoyed.

"So, how do you fe-" she asked bit I cut her off "can I please go now" I frustratedly sighed. Cindy frowned at me "uhh no? Your mother payed for three hours and it's only been 2 and a half" she sighed, I rolled my eyes "then I'll wait at the reception" Cindy sighed "there's nothing wrong with me" I informed, "ok, ok fine" she said opening the door. I thanked her and walked to reception.

I opened my book which was still perks of being a wallflower I was nearly finished. "I see you're still reading that book" someone whispered in my ear. I gasped turning around too see Tyler "h-hi" I stuttered. He smirked "so where's that boyfriend of yours?" He chuckled in my ear "school" I breathed out.

•Calum's Pov•

"Oh Calum where did you get that sandwich" Michael called out from his locker as I opened mine. I blushed "uh Bon made it" i smiled. Luke gasped from next to me "does that mean you slept at her house" he said acting like a girl. I chuckled "yeah, what's the big deal" Mike walked closer to Luke and I "the deal is what happened while you were there" Mike asked as we took a seat underneath our lockers. "Nothing happened" I lied, plenty of things happened last night. "Truth" Luke stated biting into my sandwich, I sighed "ok, ok I'll tell you" Luke and Mike nodded eagerly "ok so erm, first we watched tv for a bit, then she had a shower" I listed off before Luke chocked on his drink "really! Cause I saw your shadows from my window and I saw two shadows walk into that bathroom and half an hour later two shadows walked out" he laughed, I shook my head "it's not what you think! She was scared so I held her hand while she showered" I chuckled and what Luke said. "So you saw her naked, because if you did Bo has a nice set like a C cup but like a proper C cup and maybe close to a D cup-" Mike babbled on about MY girlfriends boobs, "Michael!" Luke and I yelled in unison "MY girlfriend!, don't talk about her boobs" I said smacking him from behind the head "you have to admit it's a nice rack" he mumbled. I shrugged "yeah" I mumbled back. Luke smirked laughing.

"Are you guys good?" I asked motioning toward Luke and Mike. They nodded "I'm fine as long as you're fine" Mike smiled looking at Me. I smiled nodding "Luke it's really fine, I couldn't care less, she's a slag anyway she broke up with me cause I wasn't good enough for her" I said taking a bite from my sandwich. Luke nodded "thanks man" he pulled me in for a hug.

"Question" Mike said breaking the hug "are you still a virgin?" He asked me, I nodded "yeah" I said confused "is Bo?" He asked, I looked at him weirdly "how would I know I don't just ask my girlfriend if she's a virgin"

I laughed. Mike shrugged "can you ask her for me" he asked.

I smacked the back of his head "I take that as a no" he mumbled.

•Bonnie Pov•

Tyler and I talked about heaps of things from music to pillows oddly enough. I chuckled "hey aren't you supposed to be at school" I asked. Tyler laughed "yeah but my dad takes me here every Thursday for counseling since my mum died" he mumbled. He put his head in his hands, I rubbed his back "it's ok" I sighed. He faces me with Teary eyes. "Hey it's my mothers birthday tomorrow and I was wondering if you could come to the cemetery with, my dad never comes and I would really like some company.

This kid is crazy I've only known him for a couple of day. I spoke my thought "I've inly known you for a couple of days" I frowned. Tyler looked at me "I know but you seen like a nice girl I could trust"

I nodded smiling "ok I'll come"

You're my wallflower •Calum hood• ~being edited rn don't judge loll~Where stories live. Discover now