party kisses

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Chapter 12

Party kisses 

I passed My first two days of Norwest Christian college and it was great! I mostly spent my time with Patrick and Ava who I have found out they are wallflowers too so we're like a wallflower gang. 

I've also spent some time with the boys. We talk in class and during breaks and we even had lunch together of course underneath the tree with Pat and Ava, I'm never going to that table again.

Today's Saturday which means it's the day Calum's taking me to his cousin birthday. I texted him asking what time he would pick me up and he replied with ' at 1 thirty.' I looked at the clock 12, ok I guess I'll start getting ready then.

I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my body and my hair. I got out of the shower and pulled on my outfit which was a pair black jeans and my red plaid button up with the top buttons undone, but I have a singlet underneath it. I pulled my black vans on and went downstairs ready to go for Calum.

Soon enough Calum arrived at my door. "Calum!" I yelled jumping up from the couch, I hugged him making him almost fall over." Chill Bon it's only been a day!" He laughed.

"Come on Bon! It's only around the corner so we can walk." Cal laughed pulling me down the street to him. 

I laughed, but remembered I forgot to 

get Cal's cousin a present. "Calum! I forgot to buy a present!" He chuckled" I don't think he'll notice Bon" I nodded nervously grabbing Calum's hand as walking up to the front door. 

" Cal why is your cousins birthday so early?" I questioned thinking Cal's cousin was turning 16 or something but boy was I wrong" because silly he's turning eleven!" Cal laughed messing up my hair.

The door swung open revealing a woman who looked about forty smiling widely." Hello Calum! Your mother told me you were coming today with a girl" she smiled. 

Calum blushed " Hi Aunt Victoria, This is Bonnie" I waved my hand saying hello to Calum's Aunt. " well come on in I'll be in the kitchen making the cake." She smiled. 

Calum and I made our way into the house and through to the back hard. I gasped there were about thirty ten to eleven year olds running around but I didn't care their was a freaking jumping castle at the back. 

" Calum!" I squealed jumping up and down. He laughed " yes Bon" 

I pointed to the jumping castle" can we please go on it?" He nodded laughing. 

I ran to the jumping castle pushing my self through the little door way. Calum followed me in and started jumping with me. 

" Cal! This is so much fun!" I yelled smiling. I jumped high and landed on my but. Calum sat down next to me and smiled at me. " we should go wish your cousin a happy birthday." I said pushing myself of the bouncy floor. 

" We could do that...but I wanna do this first" Calum whispered, the next this I knew Calum's soft lips were on mine, I quickly kissed back smiling into the kiss. 

" Everybody, kids its cake time!" Cal's aunt yelled. I pulled a part looking at Calum probably blushing.

"Come on Bon lets get some cake I'm hungry" Calum smiled pulling me up.

I was still in a Daze what just happened. Calum kissed me! I wonder if he likes me like I like him because I have a crush on Cal and I think

It's getting bigger by the second. 

Calum pulled me to a kids table which already had plates on it with yummy looking cake. There was a boy in front of me with a badge on his shirt saying ' birthday boy' which obviously meant he was Calum's cousin. 

I stuck my fork into the slice a cake and at it, it was the yummiest cake I have ever tasted. " my Aunts a baker" Cal whispered into my ear.

" and a good one she is!" I laughed. "Hi I'm Derek! I'm the birthday boy"

Calum's cousin said smiling at me. "Hello I'm Bonnie, I came here with Calum" I smiled leaning over to shake his hand. He smiled back and continued eating his cake. 

It was about half way into the party and the younger kids were dancing to music while Calum's and I sat at the table talking about absolute crap. " I think my cousin has a crush on you." Calum chuckled. I shook my head " I can't blame him though.." Calum whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back. I smiled at Calum and blushing not knowing what to say back to him.

Derek started walking up to Calum and I. " Can I please dance with you?" Derek smiled at me, I looked at Calum and he nodded " uh yeah sure" I stuttered walking to the dance floor with Derek. I looked at Calum once more than dancing with Derek. 

Derek was about 4'12-5 foot so he was just a bit taller than me which I found annoying since a eleven year old is taller than me. 

" do you know why I asked you to dance with me?" Derek smiled at me. I shook my head" No, why did you ask me" 

" because I love you" Derek smiled kissing me on the cheek. I looked over at Calum who was laughing his ass off. " Oh ok-" Derek cut me short "Bonnie will you be my girlfriend!" Derek screamed getting everybody attention. I looked over at Calum who was now walking over to me. " Hey buddy can Bon and I talk to you inside for a minute?" Calum asked. Derek nodded walking inside with Calum, I followed walking next to Calum. We all sat down on a couch. 

" Bud, are you sure about this" Calum asked sitting in front on Derek. " I mean I know you like her and everything but don't let her hight fool you she's actually sixteen. " Calum laughed. Derek's jaw dropped, " You're sixteen! I thought you were eleven!" I blushed" sorry my hight can trick people." 

Derek stood up" I'm so sorry for doing that then..goodbye beautiful woman who is five years older than me" he left the room going back to his after he said those words. 

Calum burst into laughter" He thought you were eleven!" I slapped Calum playfully on the back if his head. " Stop it! It's not funny!" I said letting a small smile make its way in my face.


It was getting a bit dark so Calum decided we should be on out way home now. 

We walked outside the front door holding hands. " What are you doing tomorrow?" Cal smiled looking down at me. " Nothing, why?" I asked confused. 

" Because, I want to take you on a date." Cal blushed. I blushed and squeezed his hand. 

" really?" 

" really." 

We arrived at my front door. I blushed and hugged him " bye Cali bear" I whispered. " bye beautiful." I blushed and was about to walk inside but I turned around and ran to Calum who was already at the end of my driveway. 

" I forgot to do something" I smiled kissing Calum firmly on the lips. 

" Wow" Calum whispered. " I'll pick you up at three" 

I bit my lip and nodded walking back to my house. I still don't believe I just did that, I'm not usually that confident. 

" Hi Honey, how was your day" Mum smiled ironing some clothes.

"perfect " I dreamily said.

You're my wallflower •Calum hood• ~being edited rn don't judge loll~Where stories live. Discover now