boys will be boys

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Chapter 37 

•this chapter is as short as Miley cyrus hair•

Boys will be boys

•Calum Pov•

"Oh Cal it was so fun! We stayed up all night and talked and watched movies and ate!" Bo yelled excitedly jumping up and down when I arrived at school. "What did you boys do?" She asked. "Talked" I shrugged. "Oh and then we had pizza and the guy was hitting on Mali! And she was so flirting with him back!" She laughed.

"You should have seen her!" Bonnie laughed again. She pretended to play with her hair "oh! There's no pepperoni!" She said pretending to be Mali. 

"Oh and then Lauren was so funny! She pretended to be Mali daughter and the guy ran all the way to his car!" She laughed again. I saw Luke and Michael walk past me talking "Bonnie look Luke and Mike I have to go to the library I'll be just a sec" I said walking to library to have a well deserved nap.

•Bonnie Pov•

"So what did you do?" I asked.

They looked at me for about five

Seconds before responding "boob- uh Bonnie! It's was fun just ate pizza" Mike replied slowly. I nodded slowly. "Right I gotta go to gym" I said walking away slowly. They nodded as Luke shouted "see you there" 

I got dressed in our sports uniform which was blue shorts and a white t-shirt. I tied my shoelaces and went to go to the gym. I walked up to Luke and Calum. "Hey guys" I smiled sitting down next to them as the coach walked in the room. 

"Ok boys and girls today we're playing a nice game of volley ball!" She cheered. Everyone cheered as we got into our teams. 

"We need one stand off!" Coach yelled. I was gonna put my hand up to be the stand off but Luke already put his up before me. 

As we were heading into the game everyone was throwing the ball to one another over the net. People got out people got hit. 

The ball was coming straight towards me. I quickly hit the ball back over the net. But I lost my balance and fell on someone. That someone was Luke. He was drinking his cup of water when I fell over so all of the water landed on my chest. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" Luke and I said in unison. 

He stared at my chest for about 10 seconds "what are you looking at?" I asked. "Y-you, erm your c-chest" he stuttered. I looked down seeing my now exposed chest. I blushed covering it with my hands "sorry" Calum came up from behind me wrapping his jacket around me. He glared at Luke. "Dude! Seriously" he chuckled. Luke blushed "sorry I can't help it"

I blushed turning around to Calum so my face was in his chest. He wrapped his arms around my body.

By lunch time we all sat in the corridor our backs against the lockers since we can't sit next to the tree since Ava and Patrick have taken it today. 

"I'm just gonna go get a drink" I said getting up walking to the vending machine around the corner. I got my Flavored water and started walking back when I head the boys talking about me. 

"Guys! You're my best friend and I love you guys I really do" Calum sighed. The two boys mumbled back nodding. "And I know you think Bonnie's hot and all but can you please stop making it so obvious by looking at her boobs at staring at her all the time" Calum asked nicely. The boys nodded rapidly "It's just that Bonnie told me that she felt a bit uncomfortable after what happened in gym today" Calum said. It's true I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. 

"What happened in gym?" Mikey asked. "I spilt water on Bon and I could see her breast and I kinda got lost" Luke mumbled. Mikey burst out laughing "oh man" he laughed cracking up. 

"Can I tell you something" Luke asked. The two boys nodded "well sometimes like today I kinda, you know erm got one when I looked at Bonnie" Luke mumbled motioning to his crotch. "Yeah so do I" Mike laughed. Calum laughed. 

Is out out my water cracking up laughing. Which I may just realized that the boys probably new I was eavesdropping. "Hey Bo" Cal laughed uncomfortably. "Yeah ok let's get this down! Literally.... When you boys are going to be doing your penis talk and when you get your boners do it when you guys are alone! Like I could have heard you anyway if I was around the corner" I laughed sitting down in my spot. 

Mikey and Luke blushed. "Oh boys" I cooed pouting. "It's fine really! Calum gets it like all the time when we make out. He thinks I don't notice but I do I mean how can't you notice this thing under you that basically just came solid" I laughed. Mike and Luke laughed their buts off while Cal just pouted. 

I kissed his lips "it's fine" I whispered. "Boys will be boys"

I laughed. 

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