At the hoods

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Chapter 23

At the Hoods. 

*4 weeks later* sorry for the massive time skip! *FILLER*

I sighed jumping up from my bed running into my parents room from where they called me. "Here you go." Mum smiled handing me my car keys, phone and laptop. I said thank you and started walking out of the bedroom "Bonnie I need to tell you something exciting!" Mum said motioning for me to sit down next to her on the bed. I walked back sitting on her bed facing her. She smiled widely. 

"I have gotten a new fantastic job!" I nodded slowly not getting why mum is just telling me. Mum squealed "I'm going to be a Victoria secret model!" My mouth gaped open never in a million years would I have thought mum would be a Victoria secret model. "Now I know I'm 33 and I had you at 16 and the twins at 29 but I've lost all of that baby fat and the people said they want me as a VS model so I took it and you're Dads back so you don't need to take care of the twins. I nodded getting up "I think I'm gonna go get a hot chocolate an the cafe and do my homework there" I mumbled. Mum nodded smiling going back to whatever de was doing on her laptop. 

I walking in my room putting my laptop,my books and purse in my bag and got change into some tights and a sweater since it was a rainy day today and went downstairs "bye mum! Bye dad" I screamed at the front door. I head some byes and I left starting my car. 

I arrived at this cute little shop with red paint on the front. I walked inside getting hit by the caffeine smell. I walked to the back booth which had lots of pillows on the chair an around it and a small table in front of it. I took my books and laptop out opening up the writing document on my laptop. "Hello what would you like today" a ginger haired girl smiled at me. "Erm can I please just have a hot chocolate please" I smiled she nodded walking back to the kitchen.

I slid my boots off now just sitting in my Adventure time jake socks. I slob my legs underneath my bum getting into a comfy position. I slid my glasses on starting to type my history essay on Ancient Greece. The ginger girl handed me my hot chocolate and I said thank you plopping in the two marshmallows. 

I went back to my essay but I couldn't concentrate I really wanted to know what Victoria secret models look like. I typed Victoria secret models into google and came up was all of these ladies in their bra and undies. I scrolled down and down started to get more scared of seeing my mum in one of those outfits. 

A knock on the window frightened me making me scream, I turned around seeing Ashton smiling at me. Ash walking in the front door of the cafe and smiled at me. "Long time no see!" He laughed. I chucked "haha yeah.." His smiled turned into a frown "what's wrong" I sighed looking at my laptop screen as did Ashton "my mum! She gonna be wearing one of those 'outfits' all the time! She just gonna be walking around with all the other VS models!" I mumbled. "You're mums gonna be a Victoria secret model!" Ashton Beamed. I sighed "yeah" Ashton smiled showing his dimples off "awesome because your mum is hot as f*** I mean this is awesome like I know a VS model!" Ashton laughed. 

I frowned packing my bag up with books and laptop. "Not anymore you don't" I yelled pouring my now cold hot chocolate on his head. 

I jumped in my car driving to Calum's house. I parked out the front of his house, jumping out of the car pulling my bag over my shoulder an my phone in my other hand. I knocked on the door tears coming down from my eyes. I don't believe Ashton said that in front of me. I was gonna talk to Cal but I think I would get the same reaction. 

The door opened opened with a smiling Calum. "Aw babe what's wrong" Calum pulled me in a hug. I shook my head pulling out of the hug "is Mali here?" I stuttered in between deep breaths . He nodded "yeah she's in her bedroom." I nodded "can you take me to see her?" He nodded pulling me into him "I don't know what happened Bon but if Mali can't fix this just come to me and I'll try and Fix it." I nodded ripping my eyes. 

You're my wallflower •Calum hood• ~being edited rn don't judge loll~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora