I Get a Job

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"Would Lee Yoona please come to the main office." The principal's voice boomed over the intercom. I knit my eyebrows. Why would I be getting called to the main office in the middle of the day? Well, I guess I'd just have to see. I glanced at the teacher, Mrs. Jung.

"You are excused, Miss Yoona."

"Kamsamneeda (thank you)," I said politely as I got up to leave.

"Ahh, Yoona's in trouble," someone joked in the back of the classroom. Another classmate snorted.

"Yoona? In trouble? Never. She's probably getting a perfect attendance award or something." The class erupted in quiet giggles. I ignored them and left the classroom.

Yeah, so I'm a bit of a goody-two-shoes. Everyone else is a little annoyed with me because of it, but it's a big advantage when asking for a deadline extension on homework or something. Also, it'll help keep my record clean so that I can get into Harvard, an American University that I've been dreaming of studying at since I was in junior high.

I pushed open the door to the principal's office. The principal, Mr. Park, was sitting at his desk. He did not look very happy. My heart began to race when I noticed that there was also a police officer in the room. What was going on?

"Anneyonghaseyo (hello)," I said, and bowed.

"Lee Yoona," Mr. Park said. "Please take a seat." I sat down hesitantly in the chair in front of his desk and faced Mr. Park and the police officer.

"Lee Yoona," the police officer asked me. "Do you have any idea why you might be here?" I stared at the officer's badge. His name was Officer Kang.

"Aneeyo (no)," I replied. Mr. Park sighed.

"Miss Lee, do these items look familiar to you?" he asked. He reached below his desk and pulled out a bottle of vodka and a jar of crack cocaine. My eyes widened at the sight of them.

"Th-those aren't mine," I stammered.

"Then explain to me why they were in your locker." My heart skipped a beat. What? Those items were in my locker?

"I was framed. I would never do drugs or alcohol in my life," I stated as calmly as I could.

"How are we supposed to know that?" Officer Kang asked. I suddenly felt like crying. "There is no fingerprint evidence on the bottle to prove that it was anyone else."

"But then you have no evidence to prove that it was me," I argued back.

"It was in your locker. I think we have plenty of evidence to make an accusation." I looked from the officer to Mr. Park.

"What's going to happen to me?" I asked, close to tears.

"Well, any drug is absolutely illegal, especially in the hands of minor," Officer Kang explained. "Vodka is alcohol. Not only is it breaking school rules to have it on school property, but you're also a minor."

"I'm 17! I'll be 18 in three months! I'm practically an adult!" I argued.

"You're still a minor, though." Mr. Park sighed and looked at me.

"Lee Yoona. I know you're not going to want to hear this, but unless you can prove that you have done nothing wrong, you are hereby expelled from Helen Cho Preparatory Academy." I burst into tears. My whole future just went down the drain.

"Mr. Park, please!" I begged. "You know I would never do anything like this! I have a perfect record, and you know that! Isn't there anything that I can do to make up for this while I try and prove myself innocent?"

"I don't know Miss Lee," Mr. Park said. "This is a pretty big offense..." I stood up.

"No. I am not leaving this school. This school is my home and my ticket to Harvard. I will do anything to stay here. I'll volunteer at the homeless shelter. I'll tutor the Freshmen. I'll even cross dress! Anything to stay!" I begged. Mr. Park and Officer Kang began to laugh.

"Miss Lee, calm down. Nobody is cross dressing," Officer Kang said gently. Mr. Park stopped laughing and looked me straight in the eye.

"Yoona. I know how brilliant you are, and I am well aware of your perfect record. You have two weeks to prove to me that the alcohol and drugs do not belong to you. In the mean time, I have a task for you."

"Anything," I said.

"The Boy's Varsity Dance Squad needs a manager. They meet everyday after school in the gym for two hours." My jaw dropped.

"Every day? For two hours!" I protested. "When am I going to study?"

"Well, it's either that, or I can take your student ID now." The breath was sucked out of me for a split second.

"Uh...ok...I'll do it," I said quietly. Mr. Park clapped his hands together.

"That's wonderful! The boys will be very happy to have you!"

"I'm sure they will..." I said.

"Alright, you may go back to class now. Annyeong (good bye)!" I stood up and bowed.

"Kamsamneeda (thank you). Annyeong (good bye)." And with that I left the office.


I nervously approached the gym door. I could hear boys yelling and jumping around. I pushed open the door and the gym fell silent. Seven boys with colorfully dyed hair and interesting wardrobe choices were now staring at me.

"Anneyonghaseyo (hello), my name is Lee Yoona," I said as confidently as possible. Boys were always intimidating to me because I got bullied by them a lot. One boy with pink hair stepped forward.

"Anneyonghaseyo. We're Bangtan Sonyeondan (the Bulletproof Boys)."

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