Cryaotic x reader

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You whined loudly, draping yourself dramatically over your husbands lap as he laughed with Pewds and Ken. You were being selfish, sure. But did that really matter to you? Not at all! You have out a small upset puff as a pout worked its way onto your lips. "Baaaaaaaaabe." You groaned after Ken hung up, leaving just Felix across the screen. The brunette raised an eyebrow at you and gently wove his hand into your hair. Thinking you had won, you closed your eyes and relaxed. Only then were your greeted by a loud screech and the harsh floor.

You sighed, moving your messy (H/C) hair out of your face to watch as Cry and Pewds laughed their asses off. "Fine then, I get all of the Nutella!" You declared, popping from the floor and skipping to your shared bed. "OHHHHHH, YOU JUST GOT CRUSHED BRO!" Felix cried out. You giggled as you face planted into the fluffy pillow, hearing as Ryan whined. "But I was the one who went grocery shopping this time! I should get it all!" You heard him get up from his chair, not bothering to look his way. "To bad to sad!"

You rolled in your side and stuck your tongue out at him in a playful manner. "Better put your tongue back in your mouth before I put it to use, sweetie." Ryan chuckled as your face went a blood red and your quickly pulled your tongue back to your mouth. "You are so meaaaan." You cried out, throwing one of the star-wars themed pillows at him. He laughed as it hit him square in the face with a small thump. You pouted cutely as he slowly calmed his laughter. "I married a child." You claimed, watching as he burst into another round of laughter.

You rolled your eyes and stood to your feet. "I'm going out to grab a few non-food things, want any new games?" You asked, already putting on your shoes. "IT SEEMS LIKE YOU TWO NEED A FEW CONDOMS!" Felix screeched from his side of the computer. "Nah man, just hit it from behind." You teased, taking note of how red your sweet husbands face was. You laughed and kissed his cheek, waving bye to Pewds. "Say hi to Marzia for me, I'm gone babe." And with that, you walked out.


You walked into the house, setting down your keys and kicking your shoes off. "Ryan! I'm back, come help me with the bags!" You hollered up the stairs as you made your way to the kitchen. You heard soft little thumps and the hum of your husbands phone. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed your cheek. "Hey sugar momma, bags are by the door?" You nodded and started unpacking what you had bought, shelving them and tossing a banana into the fruit bowl.

Cry walked in with the last of the bags and set them down before he helped you to put everything away. You turned to him and puckered your lips, receiving a soft peck in return. You laughed quietly as you shelved the TV dinners. Ryan tossed you a bag of chips, which you caught and placed in the pantry.

"And here we have the lovely married couple, shelving groceries in their natural habitat, the kitchen. "

You spun on your heel and threw the jar of peanut butter at Mark, who was staying with you both down in Florida for another Con you didn't want to go to. Cry laughed and turned to Mark, grabbing you and dipping you into a long kiss. You waster no time in kissing him back, holding onto the counter for dear life. Mark made a small gagging noise and promptly left you two to your make out session.

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