Dad! Link x Mom! Reader

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You watched your little girl play with the water. She was so innocent at times, it made your heart swell with love. She ran up to you and tugged on the skirt of your dress, looking up at you with the large (E/C) eyes she had gotten from you. "Mama, Mama! Will you come play in the wa-wa-wa....." She tried to piece her sentence together, struggling with the new word you had taught her earlier that day. "Waaaaaaaaaaateer?" She asked, waiting to see if she had pronounced it correctly. You smiled and patted her head lovingly. "Yes, I'll play in the water with you Princess." She giggled and smiled brightly. (Daughters/Name) had always loved being called princess. She ran back into the water with her already soaking dress, you following and wading in slowly. She turned around and looked up, joy filling her features. Her smile was just like your Husbands, wide and beautiful. "Splashies!" She called out, waving her arms around. You bent down and scooped up a small handful of water, throwing it at her as she tried to doge, laughing when it hit her arm softly. She pushed water to you and caused a splatter on your chest. You squealed at the cold water and playfully pretended to faint, falling back into the water and soaking the back of your dress. She giggled and moved over to you, flopping on top of you in the shallow water.

~Mini Time Skip~

"When will daddy be home?" You paused at your daughters question. You sighed and finished tucking her in and kissed her head. "I'm not sure baby. Hopefully soon." She nodded and drowsily rolled over to sleep. You stood up and walked out, and down the ladder. Slowly, you made your way to the small kitchen and sighed, leaning on the counter. When would your husband return? Just when? You sighed and looked at the small note he had given you before his departure. That note. It was a promise. A promise he would come home. And one day, he would. Just not today.

Multi-Fandom • OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang