!Special! Izaya x Child! Reader

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I have 200 readers on this story!!! Omg! Omg! I am freaking out! I can't believe this! I feel like I'm walking on air. Plus I've been lazy and reading Romano's diary so sorry if it's a little late!

Second persons POV

"Get back here (Y/N)!" Namie shouted as you ran down the sidewalk. "Never!" You called back. Smiling you held up your hand to wave goodbye. "(Y/N)!" She yelled at your retreating forum. A car was coming straight for you. The last thing you can remember was screeching tires.

"See? I told you she was my daughter." A not-so-cheery-voice said. Where were you? Why did your body hurt so bad? Why couldn't you move? Why did you only see darkness? So many questions filled your head. Making you groan in pain. Suddenly all the chatter in the room stopped. You tried to open your eyes, but all you could see was darkness. It scared you to no end. "Daddy?" You asked, hoping for you father to hold you and rock you and tell you everything was okay.

Izaya's POV

"Daddy?" That was it. My little girl was awake. I held her small shaking hand up to my lips and gently kissed her knuckles. "I'm here baby, I'm here." I said softly. She squeezed my hand. She felt so weak. How could I let this happen to my (Y/N)? "Daddy I'm scared." That was enough to bring me to tears. My poor baby. Why? Why did this have to happen to her? "It's okay. Daddy's right here." I said as I leaned over her small form and kissed her forehead. "I won't let anything happen to you." Lies. Something already happened. I can't loose her. Not like I lost (mothers/name). No. I can't. She's the only thing I have left. "Daddy?" I opened my eyes to see her bright (E/C) orbs staring up at me. "Yes baby?"

"Why are you crying?"

I smiled at her. "Daddy didn't want to loose you." He face scrunched up in confusion.

Your POV

Why was daddy crying? He didn't want to loose me? What? I blinked a few times as I tried to gather my thoughts. "Daddy?"

"Daddy will protect you."

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