Zuko x reader

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You were in the bedroom you shared with your beloved husband, painting on the picture you had been working on for a few days, when the door opened. You glanced over to see a guard, head deep in a bow. "Mi'lady, The empower was injured again in his training session with the avatar." You sighed, aggravated. "Bring me to them, I will deal wth this." He nodded at your command and turned, leading you into one of the foyers. The large doors squeaked open and in you walked, staring down your love with cold (e/c) eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you for you to understand? You don't go off and act so stupid as you have been, especially with the new responsibility of the child you agreed to take in!"  You scolded. Said child was sitting on Katara's lap, playing with a small flame in her hand. "I know (y/n) , bu-." Nope, you were not having this. "You won't say another word until you are bandaged and have given me a proper reason with valid points as to why I shouldn't smack you upside the head." You walked over and glared at him lightly, pulling your arms up and placing them gingerly on his burnt arm. He hissed at the cold sting of water and glared back. "Stubborn woman. I can take care of myself." He scowled at you. " Katara, would you please escort yourself and the rest of the team out? I need to have a little chat with Zuko." You hummed, purposely letting your hand 'slip' so you poked his injury roughly. She nodded and set down little Azu, taking Aang by the arm and staging him out along with Toph and Sokka. "You're such an idiot. You don't run off and hurt yourself like this. And at your daughter witness?!" You fretted. The brunette seemed to shrink at your rage along with his daughter. "You promised this would not happen again! And look where we are. I expect more from you!" Agh. Everyone knew you wouldn't let it go as easily this time. But no matter how much you yelled, you still loved your Zuko.

OKAY! I updated this one a lot. I actually re-wrote it, but I kept the same healing burn thingy. When I published this, I had what, 50 reads? No I've got over 2k. I love you guys. Thanks a lot for the support!

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