Adoptive! Mom! IHasCupquake x Adopted! Read Part 2/2

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You smiled back at them. "Hello. I'm (Y/N)!" You called out with excitement. Usually people passed you up. Would this be different? She turned and glanced at her husband and looked back at you. "I love your hair!" She squeezed and clapped. You giggled and smiled at her. "I love yours too!" You all were to busy gushing over games and hair colors to notice Ms.Kandy smiling at you. "So how old are you?" She whispered like it was some big secret. "14" you whispered back. She looked over at Ms.Kandy. "I want to take her with me!" She said and bounced. He husband chuckled and nodded. You were just staring. They wanted you? THEY WANTED YOU?! Smiling you squealed again and hugged yourself. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You called as she hugged you. Marion's carted off to do the paperwork as you all chatted more. This was what you wanted. This was the perfect family.

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