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You clicked the record button and stood on your tiptoes to make sure the little red light was on. You quickly paraded around the camera stand and the counter, taking you place next to your boyfriend of four years. "Hey guys!-" you brought your hand up to wave. Felix swatted it away and looked at you offended. "Keep your hands out of my face, Woman!" He yelled jokingly. You whined and pushed his shoulder lightly. He laughed and you started again. "Hey guys!-" Felix cut you off again by waving frantically and muttering in a high pitched voice, "Hey Guys!"

You gasped and mocked a hurt expression. "Is that what you think of me?!" You placed a hand over your heart and another on you forehead. He laughed, causing you to giggle. Your arms dropped you pulled the box over from the other side of the counter, holding it up excitedly. "For Valentine's Day, we're making these....uhm...." You glanced at your boyfriend for help, since your English wasn't the best. After all, you were a cute little Italian who was still learning and perfecting English. He glanced at the box and finished for you. "Red velvet cupcakes!" He cheered.

You glanced at the back of the box and pulled it up, reading what you needed. "What does it say, (Y/N)? What does it say?" He asked, being silly for the camera. You scanned it and patted his arm. "Go to the fridge." You called. He put his hand on his hip and used the other to flip his hair back. "Bitch, don't tell me what to do, I'm fabulous." You giggled and snorted. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth as small laughs escaped from both of you. "What do we need?" He asked, striding to the fridge.

"Uhm. Milk, eggs, and vegetable oil." Your bubbly voice bounced off the kitchen walls. "Do we need sausage?" He asked, pulling the oil from the cabinet and walking over with the ingredients. "No! Ewwww." He laughed and set them out. You started ripping open the top of the box, his own hand pulling at the small cardboard pieces to 'help' you. You finished and dumped all the contents into the counter, picking up he sprinkles excitedly. The pugs wobbled in and around, looking for the cause of all the fuss. Felix picked them up and set them on the counter.

"Why don't we just cool Puga-Chan instead?" He asked, rubbing her head. You gasped and went to hugs her. "Never! Not my baby!" He laughed and pulled her from you. "Why not? We can do it Italian style!" You glared at him and reached out, pinching his arm. He yelled and set Puga down, rubbing his arm. "I'm sorry woman! Geez!" You smiled and put the pugs back on the floor, kicking Felix lightly in the process. You straightened your skirt out and looked at the box directions. "So we add the things and mix..."

He reached for a cabinet to your left and opened it, grabbing a large glass bowl. "Not a problem. Hehe." You stepped back and watched him put it on the counter. You both cracked eggs and measured things, joking around and throwing some milk on the floor in the process. You squealed lightly as it splashed up onto your ankle. Felix laughed and reached for a paper towel to clean up the spilt milk. After you had put the cupcakes in the oven, he picked you up and kissed all over your face. You flushed bright red and giggled, pushing him away playfully.

He smirked and kissed you full on, putting a stop to your actions. You kissed back and smiled as he set you on the counter. He pulled back and pressed his forehead to yours, smiling his pretty smile at you. You closed your eyes and giggled again. He pressed a small kiss to your nose and helped you down gently. You skipped over and turned off the camera, happily humming. A small blush still lingered on your cheeks as Felix wrapped his arms around you from behind. He pressed another kiss to the back of your head lovingly.

You were both decorating the cupcakes for the camera, smiling and laughing at trivial things. You smeared some icing on his nose and smiled as he tried to lick it off. He gave up and wiped it off. You both continued until all the cupcakes were done, proudly showing them off to the camera. Felix kissed the side of your head and you grinned happily, flashing your teeth ever so slightly. "So yeah! That's it for now guys!" Pewdie wrapped an arms round your shoulders and held up his arm. "Time for the bro fist. Mmmbbbbyyyyyeeeeeeeeaaaaa!" He called out, covering the camera.


You giggled in your sleep and rolled over lazily, disturbing the man beside you. He stirred slightly and cracked an eye open to see you cuddled up to him, smiling away at you dream. He kisses your head and decided it be best if he went neck to sleep, justo so he could enjoy his time with you.

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