Pewdiepie (felix) x reader

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Just saying I ship melix so hard. it's almost my OTP. But they aren't a thing in this,okay? I wrote this bs ease I wanted to XD I hope it's long enough....your also Japanese in this CX

1 Felix don't you dare!-

2 Itadakimasu which means thank you for the food. It is said before meals

3 I can't sleep without you.....why are you still up?

4 I love you

5 I love you as well my darling

"FELIX!" You yelled from the kitchen. you oaf of a boyfriend was doing a colab at the moment and it was live. But that didn't matter. You had made dinner and he said he would eat tonight. You had made Takoyaki ( link to the dish here: ) , a Japanese dish. He loved your Japanese cooking and had told you so many times. you smiled as you heard footsteps thundering down the stairs. His happy face soon came into your view as he practically lunges for the table. You set out the food and took your seat as he sat down next to you. "Looks good" he said as he picked up his fork. You picked up your chopsticks as he quickly inhaled. "フェリックスよあえて!- [1]" "I SPEAK CHOPNESE!!!!!" He shouted as you jumped about fifty feet high. "gosh Felix...." You mumbled as he chuckled. "Sowie babeeeeeeei." he whined. you shook your head as you leaned over and kissed his cheek. He smiled as he brushed a bit of your (h/c) hair out of your face and kissed you. You kissed back before separating. You broke your chopsticks as you licked your lips at the food in front of you. "いただきます! [2]" You said happily before digging in. Felix chucked at you before he began eating his own plate.

Time-skip now late that night

Felix laughed at a joke that ken had made. Cry stuttered through a small Shut Up! As Sean (jacksepticeye) and Mark laughed with him. " I don't see why your so nervous , Ryan!" Ken said as he snickered at his reaction. Sean wiped his eyes and pulled off his hat as he ruffled his hair. "Dude your only asking her on a date." He said as he put his cap back on. "Yeah, it's not like your asking (cousins/ name) to marry you!" Mark said as he sat up straight again. They had ended the live stream hours ago and were just talking now. You opened the door as it let out a small creek. You giggled as you saw Felix jump in his chair as the other looked scared for a moment. He turned around to face you and smiled lightly. "... あなたなしで寝ることはできませんなぜまだいますか? [3]" You asked as your bare feet sunk into the carpeted floor of his recording room. He turned around in his chair as he smiled at you. Sure, you knew English but you preferred using Japanese. And you had taught him so he could understand you and talk to you while he had done the same for you with Swedish. "I was talking to the guys. wanna come sit on my lap?" He asked as he patted his knees. you nodded and opened the door so you could slide into the room. once you were in you closed the door and moved towards your lover. Sitting so you were facing him you wrapped your legs around his waist as your arms curled around his neck. You pecked his cheek before burying your face in his chest.
You smiled as you leaned into his chest and his familiar scent overcame you. "愛しています [4]" you mummered against his chest as you closed your eyes " Jag älskar dig som väl min älskling [5]" he said as he kissed the top of your head. you smiled as you fell into a peaceful sleep. He looked up at the guys as he continued to joke and play until he fell asleep.

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