Itachi x reader song fic

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Musing through memories, loosing my grip in the gray...
Numbing the senses, I feel you slipping away.

I walked down the old dirt path, looking at the night sky. How long had it been, since he had died, just how long?

Fighting to hold on,clinging to just one more day...
Love turns to ashes, with all that I wish I could say.

No, you had tried your best (y/n). you tried to save his life. All the bandages and endless, sleepless hours were worth it. To have another day with him, right? You knew he would die, but trying never hurt anybody , did it?

I'd die to be where you are...
I tried to be where you are!

Every night I dream your still here, a ghost by my side, so perfectly clear. When I awake you'll dissapear, back to the shadows, with all I hold dear, with all I hold dear.....I dream your still here.

You would see him again tonight, as always. You did, every night. he was always there, always humming the same tune. he couldn't hear you, but you could hear his deep voice, full of confusion when he addressed you. how you wish you could touch him again. just one kiss is all you wanted, but that was impossible now. I had to cherish the time I had with him. because when I woke up, he would vanish, back to the darkness.

Hidden companion,phantom be still in my heart...
Make me a promise, that time won't erase us,that we were not lost from the start.

He was always with you,even if you couldn't see it. He was with you in your heart and mind, everywhere you went. You constantly told yourself that no one would forget the love you shared. that they would remember how you care for each other. when you stared dating, both of you were unsure, but you both ended up thinking you were the perfect match.

I'd die to be where you are...
I tried to be where you are!

Every night I dream your still here, a ghost by my side, so perfectly clear. When I awake you'll dissapear, back to the shadows, with all I hold dear, with all I hold dear.....I dream your still here.

A few more hours... hold in there (y/n). he'll be there like he always is..

Maybe tonight, you wouldn't wake up

A/n: OMG this is so sad! ::::( it's not the best but I hope you enjoy! Remeber, I do take requests.

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