Chapter 15

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The two Myungsoo and Hyungsoo are already inside the car now. But Kim Myungsoo still not starting the engine he look to the empty spot in the frontseat then he turn his head at the back seat where the twins are already sitting now. "Who's going to sit with me here in the front seat?" He ask the twins but they just stare to each other. "No one like to sit with me here?"

"You go sit with him there at the front seat." Hyungsoo pushing his twin brother.

"Hey! Why me? Why don't you sit with him there instead of me!"

"You both have same names so I think it does suited to you to sit next to him there in the front seat."

"What a nonsense excuse Hyungsoo." He mumble and suddenly open the door of the back seat then he transfer to the front seat with a sad face. Kim Myungsoo look at him then he also look at him too with a fierce eyes. "Why are you looking at me?"

Kim Myungsoo smiled then shake his head. "Nothing!" Then he finally start the engine and he smile again.

After a few minutes Park Myungsoo noticed his twin has been fall asleep at the back seat and he suddenly take out his mobile from his pocket and he took a photo of his twin while sleeping then took a selca of himself too. Kim Myungsoo just shaked his head in disbelief. He can't believe that this kid really act just like him too. "I really see myself in you when I'm still at your age now." Park Myungsoo suddenly put back his mobile phone inside his pocket and focus his sight on the road. He suddenly pretend he didn't hear anything. "I also love taking selca and before I became your Math teacher I'm a photographer before but I just quit because I want to try new things in my life now."

"Why did you gave that camera to me before?"

Kim Myungsoo suddenly remember his camera that he gave to him before as a birthday gift sixteen years ago. "That camera is a birthday present of my twin brother for me during our last birthday celebration together."

"I saw some of your photos there with your twin."

"I'm sorry! I forgot to delete that before giving it to you. Well you can delete that all if you want or if you don't like that camera you can also throw it."

"It's really wierd that camera is a present from your twin for you then you gave it to me?"

"I've sacrificed everything that belongs to my twin brother because I wan't to move on. I wan't to forget everything about him." He make a brief glance to Park Myungsoo and their eyes met then he sighed deeply." You are so lucky because both of you grew up together. We're still four years old when we were apart and I thought after I found him again we will never be separated forever. But he's gone away again forever and not coming back." Park Myungsoo also felt sad now while listening to Kim Myungsoo. He noticed the redness of his eyes now and he suddenly holding back his tears. "After he's gone. I felt like a piece of my life now is missing again. Maybe you're thinking now my life is so perfect but you're wrong because my life still incomplete. And I'm so happy now that I met the two of you especially your twin brother. I know this is impossible but I felt like the soul of my twin brother went back again here on earth in your twin brother's body."

Park Myungsoo turned his head at the back seat and stare to his twin then he turn his head again to Kim Myungsoo. "No! He's not your twin brother. He's my twin brother." Kim Myungsoo laughed then he's messing his hair.

The three of them finally arrived at Sungjongie's house. The infinite brothers maknae suddenly greeted them then he froze when he saw Park Myungsoo standing beside his twin Park Hyungsoo. Then his older brother suddenly introduce his look alike to his younger brother. "Ah...Sungjong this is Park Myungsoo...Hyungsoo's twin brother and Myungsoo this is our youngest brother Sungjong."

"Hi! Nice to meet you..." Sungjong greeted him and his face is frowning he still can't believe of what is happening right now. Yesterday he met the look alike of his older brother L then now he met the look alike of his older brother Myungsoo.

"They are still not here?" Myungsoo suddenly ask his younger brother after he noticed they are still not there. But just a few seconds Sunggyu, Minsoek and Daeyol finally arrived.

"Oh??? Myungsoo you're also here?" Minsoek suddenly approach his friend and he suddenly high five on him. Meanwhile Daeyeol is ignoring him and Park Myungsoo noticed it but he just didn't mind that.

"Myungsoo how are you?" Sunggyu held his hand at him then Park Myungsoo glances first to his hand then he hold it and he smile at him.

"I'm fine now."

"I'm glad to see you again here."

"Me too."

Sunggyu smile back at him but he noticed the fierce in his eyes but he just ignored it then all of them step their feet now going inside.

Everybody is very serious and silent while watching the beaters band inside the music room. Sunggyu can't take off his eyes to Minsoek while singing and Sungjong is smiling so sweet while watching the three of them playing their own music instruments. Meanwhile the eyes of the two Myungsoo is only focused to Hyungsoo because they noticed him he keeps on frowning while playing his guitar and he looks like he's not feeling well now and when he almost fall the both of them in sync standing from their chair and approached Hyungsoo but the younger Myungsoo suddenly pulled away the older Myungsoo when he attempt to touched his twin brother.

"Bro! Are you alright?"

Hyungsoo suddenly pushed his twin when he touches his forehead. "Stay away from me Myungsoo! What are you doing?"

"You're hot!"

"You have a fever?" Kim Myungsoo suddenly approached Hyungsoo and touched his forehead. "Why you didn't tell me that you're not feeling well now so that I've never force you to come here?" He really look so worried now even Minsoek too who suddenly approached his bestfriend.

"Bro let's just continue our practice next time and have some rest first."

"No! I don't need to rest Minsoek. Next week is our last chance to win our band so we need to practice hard now." He glances to the two Myungsoo who look so worried at him. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

They suddenly step back their feet and sit down again on their chairs. And the beaters start practicing again. The two Myungsoo and the two Sung brothers eyes are all watching now to Hyungsoo. Even Minsoek he keeps on glancing to his bestfriend while Daeyeol doesn't even care and he just focused himself by hitting hard the drumset.

"Okay! Take a break now boys!" Sunggyu suddenly signals them to stop and have a break when he noticed Hyungsoo really looks not fine now and he start to look pale then he approached Sungjong. "Get some medicines now for fever and water too."

"Okay hyung." Sungjong suddenly obeyed his hyung and runs fast to get some medicines for fever.

"Minsoek go in the kitchen now and get some lukewarm water in a basin and a towel." 

"Okay dad." Minsoek suddenly obeyed his dad too.

"Myungsoo!" Both Myungsoo turned their heads at him. "Ah...okay both of you bring Hyungsoo now in your room Kim Myungsoo and let him rest there."

Hyungsoo didn't refuse anymore when the two Myungsoo hold his arms and they bring him in Kim Myungsoo's room and they help him to lay down in a soft king size bed.

"Your head hurts again?" Park Myungsoo suddenly massage his twin brother's head after he nods at him. Later both Minsoek and Sungjong came back and Sungjong suddenly gave the medicine and water to his older brother Myungsoo and he help Hyungsoo to drink his medicine. Sunggyu suddenly approached Hyungsoo and he take off his black jacket that he's wearing then Hyungsoo stare at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Just take off your jacket Hyungsoo." Hyungsoo suddenly obeyed Sunggyu and he suddenly take off his jacket. Then Minsoek suddenly approached his dad when he calls him and Sunggyu took the towel with lukewarm water and wiping it to his arms. Hyungsoo starting to close his eyes now and Sunggyu suddenly placed the towel on the top of his forehead. "Let's get out of here now I guess he already falls asleep." Sunggyu whispering to them and they all left Hyungsoo there sleeping so deeply now in a soft bed of Kim Myungsoo.

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