Chapter 9

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Sunggyu is anxious while driving his car. The very mad face and fierce eyes of Park Hyungsoo still remaind on his mind.

"Kim Sunggyu! I treated your son as my bestfriend and it's very painful to know that my bestfriend is the son of the man who killed my father!"

He gasped then focused his sight again on the road until his phone rang and he suddenly put the bluetooth headset inside his ears and he suddenly answered the group call of his five dongsaengs. "Hyung are you okay now?" The five of them asked him in sync that makes Sunggyu smiled.

"Yes...I'm very fine now dongsaengs. Finally! I can sleep well now because I already plucked all the thorns in my heart. The only thing that I'm worrying about is my son. I hope after this their friendship would not be affected."

"I still have a bad feeling about that Park Hyungsoo hyung." Yeollie still felt doubt about Hyungsoo. "What if he really makes a revenge in our family especially now they already find out the truth."

"Don't be scared Yeollie. L still not visiting in our dream to warned us. And if that happens. That was the time we should make some moves to stop them."

"What if L did not visit in our dreams hyung then we did not noticed that he's already planning a revenge for us?" Woohyun making a possible thought on his mind.

"Woohyun is right hyung." Hoya agrees of Woohyun's thought. "We should start making some moves now to be sure that Satan would not merge his body to revenge us."

"Why you are suddenly talking about revenge hyungs? I'm sure and I believe that Hyungsoo will never do that." Kim Myungsoo is defending his student but his hyungs just teases him.

"Don't be a bias Myung! I'm sure you are just defending that kid because you like their mom." Sungyeol teases his dongsaeng then Myungsoo's older brothers are laughing at him.

"Ahuh! Because maknae Sungjong is not here that's why you're teasing on me now. You'll see hyungs if I'll get a chance to revenge on you." Myungsoo warned his hyungs then he laughed hard.

"Hey! Myung! I have an idea!" Dongwoo suddenly thought a plan. "What if you court their mother then marry her." Everybody suddenly laughing so hard and Myungsoo shaking his head in disbelief that their conversation ends up in a nonsense things.

Then let's go back in the house of Park family.

Mrs. Park is changing his sight at the two doors now. She's choosing which door she would come in first. Hyungsoo might very mad at her now and she's very sure that her first born son would just tell her to leave. Maybe her second born son is also mad at her now too but he is not that hard as Hyungsoo. But her feet steps at the right door which is Hyungsoo's room and she then opened it. "Hyungsoo?" She suddenly looked around and noticed his things scattered on the floor and even the poster of his band was torn. Then a familiar black guitar catches her sight now that placed on his bed. She's about to touch it when the bathroom opened and Hyungsoo came out with a swollen eyes. Hyungsoo just ignored his mom then grab the black guitar and played it. She sitdown beside him and brush his curly hair with her fingers but Hyungsoo suddenly hit her hand. She sighed deeply while staring at him. "I'm sorry! You both still young when all that happened and I'm sure you would just still don't understand if I told you earlier about it."

"So you don't have intention to tell the truth if I just didn't find out!"

"It's not like that Hyungsoo. I'm just waiting for the right time to tell you the truth." She attempt to touch his hair again but Hyungsoo suddenly moved away. Mrs. Park suddenly felt sad because she remembered when Hyungsoo still young she used to brush his curly hair every night and sang a lullaby then he suddenly falls asleep. But now Hyungsoo easily gets mad and suddenly hit her hand everytime she do it again. Maybe because he already grown up now and already have his own world.


"Yes Hyungsoo?" She suddenly smiled when he calls her.

"If that Kim Myungsoo has been in a surgical heart transplant before then who donates a heart for him?" He was asking his mom in a very cool tone then he noticed the smile on her face suddenly disappeared. "Maybe you should tell me the truth now mom and don't wait me to make a move to find out the truth if you lied to me now." He glance her hands shaking in fear now. "Don't tell me you donate my father's heart to Kim Myungsoo?" Anger drawn on his face then he stood up from his bed after his mom nods and cry. "Ahhhhh!!!!" He lift up the black guitar and he is about to break it on the floor but Mrs. Park quickly stood up and hug him.

"Hyungsoo! I'm so sorry!"

Hyungsoo put his hands down then drop the guitar on the floor and pushed away her mother. He's breathless because of too much anger while staring so mad at her. "Mom...I can't believe you can do all those things...THEY ARE THE REASON WHY MY FATHER DIED THEN YOU DONATE HIS HEART TO KIM MYUNGSOO!!!" His mom sobs again after he yelled at her and saw the madness in his eyes. "Have you not even think so well first before making that decision mom? It was like you did not respect the death of appa. That is his heart mom then why did you gave it to anyone else?" He walks and he is going outside his room when he noticed his twin brother Myungsoo was standing behind the door but he just pass through him.

Myungsoo fist his palm in anger. He's also mad now of what was happening right now to his family. How come the infinite brothers have a connection in their lives now.

Kim Myungsoo just finished checking the test papers of his students and he suddenly stretched his arms and yawned. "Aish! I understand now how hard to be a teacher." He suddenly turned off the light of his study table and when he look at his reflection in the mirror he's very shocked when he noticed someone standing at his back with a fierce eyes. Then he realize it was Hyungsoo. He quickly turned his back and he is really standing at his back now. "Hyungsoo how you get in here?"

"I will kill you Kim Myungsoo!!!"

Then Myungsoo's eyes widened after he saw the knife to his hand and Hyungsoo rush to him but he suddenly fights back to stop his student for trying to kill him.

The second youngest of infinite brothers Kim Myungsoo quickly get up to his bed after he noticed he is only dreaming. He is breathless and sweating too much. He grab his mobile and suddenly called his oldest brother. "Hyung!"

"Myungsoo what's the matter? Are you still awake now it's already two o'clock in the morning."

"I dream about Hyungsoo and he tries to kill me!"

"Really? Well maybe that is a warning for you Myung you should be careful with that kid."

He end up the call and gets back to his bed again. "I hope you would not do that in real Hyungsoo. I believe you're not a bad person." He still believe to his student then later he falls asleep again.

MIRROR  [sequel of 8 Infinite Brothers (Hyungsoo/L & Myungsoo) ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora