Chapter 8

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The Park twins are already heading home and they don't have still any idea that they have six man visitors there at their home waiting for them. The twins are awkwardly walking together and they were not even talking any words and they were very quiet. Hyungsoo noticed Myungsoo starting to act cold to him now after he foughted with Daeyeol and even Jiae is already avoiding the twins.

"Myungsoo talk to me because I'm not used watching you so quiet like this now."

"I'm not in the mood and I don't know what to talk about."

Hyungsoo sighed then he stop his feet from walking and watch his brother continue walking and getting far away now from him. "What about Jiae!" Then his twin suddenly stopped his feet from walking but he did not turn his back. "Don't worry! Ever since she's just like a little sister for me."

"But she likes you ever since we are still young." Myungsoo holding back his tears and he gasped then stepped his feet again going home.

Meanwhile the six infinite brothers are so quiet sitting together now on a couch in the living room. The six hyungs didn't bring their maknae because they don't want him to be involved with this so the six of them just went at the Park twins house. The six of them suddenly moved and helping Mrs. Park to carry the tray with six glasses of juices.


Then Mrs. Park smiled then make a glance to Kim Myungsoo and she suddenly avoid her gaze when Myungsoo also looked at her and she smiled sweetly to Sunggyu. "Ah...if you need something just call me in the kitchen." The oldest member nods and smiled at her too then she walks fast going back in the kitchen.

"Dongwoo what are you doing sit back here!" Sunggyu scolded him after he stood up and walks around and the second oldest suddenly obeyed his hyung and sit down again on the couch and excactly the door opened wide and the six infinite brothers quickly stood up together.

Park Myungsoo and Hyungsoo both surprised staring at their six visitors. Meanwhile Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun and Hoya are the most shocked after they saw the Park twins really looked like their two brothers Myungsoo and L when they are still at the age of 20 and their jaws drop down.

"What are you doing here?" Park Myungsoo spoken first then Hyungsoo suddenly smirked while staring fiercely to Sungyeol.

"Are you going to confess your sins now?"

Mrs. Park suddenly appeard after she heard her sons voices from the kitchen. "Oh??? Finally you're home now."

"Mom? What are they doing here?" Myungsoo asking his mom again.

"Do you still not get it Myungsoo? They were finally going to confess everything what they have done to our father before." Both Mrs. Park and Myungsoo suddenly stare in disbelief to the infinite brothers. Then the infinite brothers sit down again after Mrs. Park grab her sons infront of them. Then the twins suddenly helped their mother when they saw her pulling two chairs for them.

They gathered all together now in the living room. They still stayed quiet while changing glances with each other. Until Sunggyu sighed deeply and then stare both at the twins sitting infront of him now. "We're here to explain everything to the both of you now and I hope that the both of you should understand me." He glance to Mrs. Park and she nods at him.

"Don't worry they will understand you they were both a nice kids." She suddenly explained to him but Hyungsoo chuckles and shaked his head then stare fiercely to Sunggyu and the oldest member of infinite brother suddenly clears his throat. He don't know how to start it and where he should start then he sighed deeply again.

"Kids we're very sorry for hiding the truth to you for a very long time."

"That you killed my father?" Hyungsoo suddenly intterupts that makes Sunggyu's five dongsaengs pissed off especially Hoya who suddenly stood up but Sungyeol and Woohyun quickly hold their brother's arm who's sitting between them when he attempt to approach him.

"He did not killed your father it was just an accident!"

"Hoya sit down now please!" Sunggyu scolded his brother and Hoya suddenly obeyed him. Meanwhile Park Myungsoo suddenly thought deeply then curiously stare to Kim Myungsoo. "That's why I don't want the three of you to come here with us!" He continue nagging to his dongsaengs and they just shut their mouths.

"I guess! I got it now!" Park Myungsoo spoken and their sight focused on him. "Mr. Kim Myungsoo told me before that he's not Kim Myungsoo of infinite brothers because Kim Myungsoo was already dead because of heart disease sixteen years ago but I know he was just lying that time because I already read in an old article in the internet that Kim Myungsoo leave your group after his surgical heart transplant succeed. Then I suddenly remembered sixteen years ago my dad also died because of a car accident." He supposed to speak more about what he thought but Mrs. Park suddenly signals him to just shut his mouth and let them to speak.

Sadness suddenly drawn on their faces except Hyungsoo who also thought something that connected to what Myungsoo his twin has said now. But he just keep his mouth shut while staring fiercely to Kim Myungsoo, Sunggyu and Sungyeol who was just sitting next to each other.

"I'm already felt bored now and I wan't the truth now!" Hyungsoo madly yelled at them that makes Sunggyu trembles in too much nervousness and he suddenly stood up.

"You want the truth? Yes! Your father died because of me! My intension is to save the life of Myungsoo because he was already dying and I don't want him to die!" The Park twins now were so shocked staring at him. While his brothers and Mrs. Park look so sad. "I already have a trauma after his twin died before so I'm afraid to watch again one of my brothers is dying. I don't have intention to kill your father. I just want to kill my self but it didn't happen." Sunggyu is sadly crying now.

"Hyung tell them the whole truth now that I saved you that's why their father is out of control and his car crushed down."

Sunggyu raised up his face and stare at the red fierce eyes of Hyungsoo when he realized he's already standing near infront of him. "Hyungsoo...I'm sorry about what happened to your dad."

Hyungsoo punched his face then the five dongsaengs of Sunggyu quickly stops the cold Prince of Woollim for hurting their oldest brother. Then Hyungsoo cries in too much anger while staring to Sunggyu and the oldest is also crying now. "Kim Sunggyu! I treated your son as my bestfriend and it's very painful to know that my bestfriend is the son of the man who killed my father!" He briefly make mad glances to the infinite brothers one by one then walks fast going to his room and slammed the door.

Kim Myungsoo noticed Mrs. Park is sobbing now in the corner while Park Myungsoo still in shocked while tears keeps on falling down to his cheeks. He approached Mrs. Park first and embraced her. "Thank you." He whispered to her. "Because of you I've still have a chance now to live and to be with my brothers." He looked into her eyes and wiped her tears. Then he didn't notice Park Myungsoo is watching at them now. And Sungyeol noticed it so he suddenly grab his younger brother away from Mrs. Park.

"Let's go home now!" Kim Myungsoo nods and they freezed after they noticed Park Myungsoo still not moving where he was standing and his face now is in a dull facial expression. But then when they about to approach him he suddenly turned his back and he ignored them.

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