A Day With Yoonmin

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"Oh..is it a date ? Or its not..is it ?! Ok..relax.." I'm still in disbelieve on what just happen..easy word..I'm not okay! I open my wardrobe and pull out a white dress and a sweater. I look at myself in the mirror. "Not bad."

After a about 10 minutes,I saw a black car in front of my house. I look through the window and saw Suga Hyung waving at me. I grab a pair of brown boots and quickly wear it. I walk to the car. Suga hyung opened the door for me.

"Thanks Hyung."

He just smiled at me and starts driving. The awkwardness is back.. I don't know what should I say to him. I keep looking at the window.

"Hey..did you feel uncomfortable ? I noticed that you keep looking outside since you get in"

I nodded.

"Its okay. Don't feel awkward around me. Feel free to talk with me,okay.." he smiled then keep driving silently.

"Hyung ah,where are we heading to ?" I asked him,to break the ice between us.

"How about..a park ?" He aswered with a smile on his face.

I smiled back to him. *still so awkward..*

We arrive at the park. It is my first time going to the park after years. Lots of things has changed. Me,the air,people around me..I miss them all.

"Kai,come here!" He said while grabbing my hand.

I startled a bit.

"Look! Theres an ice cream stall. Do you want ice cream?" He asked. His eyes is shining brightly. How could I say no..

"Sure." I smiled at him.

We were walking while eating our ice creams. We don't even say a word to each other. "Wah,the last time I eat this was like..8 years ago ?" I said to myself.

"Hey,you got some here..on your cheek" He pointed.

I only look at him cluelessly.

He took out a tissue and wiped it. "Its gone now." He smiled brightly.

My face suddently turned red. I keep looking at the ground to avoid eye contacts.

Yoonmin starts to talk."Waa..the weather is preety good isn't it ? Its windy and cold.. Don't you think so,Kai ?"

"Yes,it is." I could feel the cold breeze passing through my cheek. Its preety cold because I wore shorts instead of pants.

We walk around the park for about half an hour. Theres a lot of intresting things there. We buy some snacks as we walk. We also talk about something as we walk through every part of the park and I think the barrier between us has gone for good.

"Wow..you really talk a lot. I though you are some kind introvert but..I was wrong. We should hang out more often."

"Yes we should. By the way, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover,you know." I smirk.

He chuckled. He looked up to the sky.."did I say that you look beautiful today ?"

I almost chocked. "What ?!"

"I mean,the cloth looks great on you. You had a good sense of fashion." He said while looking at the sky.

"Oh. Thanks Hyung." I answered but I wasn't sure if it a compliment or not.

He smiled at me.

I blushed. My face is red again.

He saw that. "Are you blushing ? So cute!" He laugh and pinch my cheek softly.

"Hey,stop it Tae!"

"Tae ?" He stops immidiatly after hearing that name.

Tae's name accidently splits out my mouth. I stunned for a while.

"I'm so sorry Hyung! Tae is my best friend and he always do that to me so I've used to say that to him. I'm really sorry Suga Hyung.." I lower my head. I feel bad for saying that in front of him.

"Its okay. Lets go back." He said that without even looking at me.

He drove me home. The barrier is back thanks to Tae. As we arrived he opened the door.

"Are you angry Hyung ? You look really pissed.." I ask him

"No. Why did you ask that ?" He asked me back.

"Its just..I.."

"No,I'm okay. Don't worry. Since you said he is your friend so its okay." He smiled.

I feel better after he said that. "Okay. Thanks Hyung,for everything.Take care and drive safetly."

"No problem. Take care as well." He said that while staring into my eyes.

I nodded and smiled back to him. As his car left my house,I walked in and sleeps on the sofa because I was so tired.

Hey..I maybe can't update often now becuase *whisper* my dad will take my tab~ and..this chapter don't have a dialog bcuz I don't feel like doing it today.
I hope you won't bash me because of that > <
Lastly..Thankieu for reading♥

- I gotta go now~ Bye♥ *smile*

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