c h a p t e r 45

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One Year Later •••

Aubrey's POV~

Life isn't what you expect. There are the good times and there are the bad. Believe me, I've been through hell and I've rested in heaven. But if there was no evil, there would be no good. I know what happened to me was horrific and I would never wish it upon anybody. But the scars remind me of how far I have come and makes me the person who I am today.

A year and a half ago, I was broken. I was just a shattered piece of glass that had absolute hell inside of her. Her demons tortured her and drove her insane. Yet, she kept going. Somehow, she knew something better was there for her and she pushed through. She met her guardian angel and he has pulled her through the grueling events.

Nicholas Dorran, a man that has forever changed my life. He's shaped me into the human I am and I couldn't thank him enough for bringing happiness and peace into my life. It was frightening, opening up to a complete stranger. However, it was worth it in the end. Our love was one of kind and like my mom said, this love is hard to find.

Things had tried to pull us away, but I refused to give up. Nick cut me open and exposed all of my scars and wounds. He accepted them and filled me with love. Together, Nick and I can make it through anything. I've said it before and I'll say it, I would bleed over and over again just to have Nick and this love of ours.

"Is my hair okay?" Courtney frowns, looking at her appearance in the mirror.

"Relax, you look like an angel." Her mother squeezed her shoulder and I grinned.

Today was the day, Courtney's wedding. Jess was busy getting dressed in her long maroon, bridesmaids' grown while I was getting my hair done since I was dressed and prepared to walk down with Nick. The best man and maid of honor take on Mr. and Mrs. Barnes' wedding. I was excited, Courtney is ecstatic to start her new beginning.

Nick and I were fantastic, we have grown a lot closer recently. His mother had been thrilled to meet me and we always visit her every other weekend. Tomorrow, we will be visiting Reyna's grave. It was hard for Nick, living without his sister for a year. He loved her so much and I can only imagine how difficult it was for him to lose someone so young.

Yet, I am his shoulder to cry on and I have to be strong for him. I owe it to him. Moving onto happier things, Nick had given me a promise ring a week ago, confessing his unconditional love when we were at the lake, celebrating the day we first met. His words made me want to cry tears of joy and the love I felt for him deepened. I think I may have found my soul mate.

"Aub, you ready?" Courtney fixed her dress and turned to me.

I took in her astounding appearance. Her beautiful, long blonde hair was curled and laid perfectly on her shoulders. Her soft, white, mermaid style wedding gown fitted her just right and it had shown her true beauty. I was lost with no words. My sister looked like a princess going off to the ball to find the love of her dreams.

"Of course. Are you, Cinderella?" I giggle, hugging her and trying not to mess up either of our hair.

"It's finally happening. Alex and I, we are going to have a happy ending. It's like a fairy tale, Aub. I feel like my life is just right now. You get it, right?" Courtney rambles on and I laugh.

"I know the feeling. Now, here is your bouquet and I will see you walking down that aisle. Your Prince Charming, awaits." I winked and the bridal party decided to meet in the lobby.

We would wait here until it was our cue to enter the reception and then Courtney would follow behind. Jess and I walked hand in hand down the stairs, looking for our dates. My eyes scanned the crowd of friends and family, landing on my handsome prince who was wearing the most sexiest tux I have ever seen.

"Hello, hottie." I bite my lip and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You excited to walk down the aisle with me? We both look pretty amazing." Nick squeezed my waist and pressed a lingering kiss to my lips.

"I am. We're the best couple here besides the bride and groom." I joke, wrapping my arm around his when the piano began to play.

The doors open, the ceremony was about to begin. Nick smiles at me and I grip my bouquet in my other hand. All of the eyes landed on us, it felt like a million years walking down the aisle. I never did well under pressure, but Nick was keeping my nerves at ease.

"It's so weird having all these eyes on us." I whispered, trying to keep a normal smile on my face.

"I'm just imagining everyone in their underwear, even the priest. So much for a religious ceremony." Nick wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

An old couple eyed us like we had two heads because we couldn't withhold our laughter. I didn't care, I was having fun. We finally reached the alter and separated. I could not hold in my excitement for my best friend who is going to marry the best man for her.  The music began to play and everyone stood up.

The most beautiful woman in an elegant white gown began her journey down the aisle. Her face was glowing and her smile was radiant. I looked at Alex, his mouth wide open with a hint of a smile. These two were totally in love with each other. I giggled and turned, catching Nick looking at me.

I grinned, blowing a kiss to him and mouthed, "I love you."

Courtney finally reached Alex and the ceremony began. The both of them exchange vows and what seemed like only a matter of minutes, they kissed and were pronounced husband and wife. The audience cheered and Jess and I hugged each other tightly, sharing the happiness we had for our best friend.

Nick came up from behind and lifted me up into the air.

"One day, that will be you and I. You're going to look like a complete angel, not that you don't already." Nick smiles, sharing a quick kiss.

Him thinking about our future made me swoon. I could not help it, knowing that I could have a wedding like this. It was pure happiness. Nick and the others join the bride and groom to take pictures outside. I told them I would join them in a few minutes.

I walked outside, admiring pure green trees and colorful flowers blowing in the wind. The fresh air made me feel alive and I sat down in the grass. I placed my hand on the necklace of a butterfly; the one that was given to me from my mother when I was young.

I was finally free. Nothing can hold me back. This life is mine and I am finally ready to live it. The joy I felt was unreal. I look up into the sky, knowing my mother was looking down upon me.

"I'm okay. I can finally live with the friends and the person I love dearly. Thank you." I smiled, getting myself up off the ground and seeing my friends waving at me.

My eyes rested on Nick from afar, how gorgeously handsome he was. My heart jumped and I made my way towards him.

I use to think that this was a modern fairy tale, with no happy endings. However, things always change and I couldn't be more grateful that it did. I fought like hell to get my happily ever after and here I am, living the dream.

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