c h a p t e r 15

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"Are you high or have you really lost your mind this time? Aubrey, you're only twenty years old. You are not legalized to drink! And I do not think that's the best idea after what you've gone through all these years." Courtney folds her children's clothes while scolding me.

She's supposed to be my best friend, not my sister. I began to grow a little aggravated. All my life I've been told what to do. My parents and Warren, I've grown tired of it. I have never gotten the chance to make my own decisions.

"I am not asking for your permission to go Court. You are not my mother. All I was asking was if you'd like to come along with us so my new friends can meet my best friend." I sigh, taking a seat on a stool beside the counter.

Courtney bit her lip while arguing with herself inside her head, "Do they know about your condition?"

"It's not even a fucking condition! The whole thing was just- it just happened and-"

"Do they know about your condition?!" Courtney repeats louder, making me roll my eyes.

"It isn't a condition, it's my past. And only Jessica knows. Ally and I haven't really talked much." I explain, gripping the counter and trying to control my anger.

I dislike how Courtney thinks I'm some sick puppy. This is exactly why I didn't want anyone to know. They will look at me with pity, feeling bad for the broken girl that was abused.

Funny how no one knew or cared before when I was dying inside.

"Fine, you can go. But, I'm staying here and watching my own children. I have no money to pay for a babysitter and I refuse to watch you ruin your perfectly healthy body with alcohol." Courtney responds and returns to her bedroom with the children's laundry.

I laughed, ruining myself with alcohol? The first and last time I drank was on my eighteenth birthday with my girlfriends. And as I recall, Courtney got drunk and disappeared. Looks like someone is being a hypocrite.

With a sigh, I decide to look for something to wear. I don't really own evening clothes, especially for a girls night out. Jessica is busy, finishing her shift at the cafe and Courtney is pissed at me. That only leaves one person and she sounds like a person who has an ideal taste of fashion.

I dial Ally's number and she picks up on the third ring, "Hello?"

It sounded like she was out of breath, but I ignored it, "Hi Ally, I was just wondering if you were busy?"

I hear rustling in the background and a muffled voice, "Oh, gosh I didn't know! I could call back-"

"No! I mean it's fine Aub, I was just finishing some intense work out. What's up?"

"I kind of need help with an outfit to wear tonight." My cheeks grow a light pink, I'm a girl and I don't even know how to buy cute clothes.

"Of course! I'm more than delighted to accompany you and go to the mall! We can get to know each other better as well! I'll pick you up in an hour!" Ally giggles and I smiled.

"Great, see you then." I say goodbye and hang up.

It must have been some workout if it left her that out of breath...

Warren's P.O.V

"You are just wonderful my dear." I kiss her forehead and she sighs.

"When are you going to get rid of her? You're here and so close to her." She pouts, practically throwing herself at me.

I chuckle, "Is my kitten jealous?"

My hand trails up her thigh and the other pulls her hair, keeping her under my control.

Bleeding LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon