c h a p t e r 3

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I watched the plane fly over so many farmlands, cities, and most importantly homes. My heart weakened, wishing I could have grown up in such a loving family, in a safe home.


"You drunk ass, stupid lying, careless man! You ruined this family, everything is a mess because of you!" My mother shouted, anger seeping from the sound of her voice.

"Everything would have been fine if you never had that- that thing! She's disgusting, a useless human being and a waste of life!" My so called father pointed at me, I let the words sink under my skin.

My mother, her frizzy brown hair stuck in a ponytail, her sad, emerald green eyes dimmed because of the stress she's been dealing with has stolen her bright light.

"Get the fuck out of my house! Never speak of her like that!" She screams, as if venom slapped my father in the face and with that he left, slamming the door.

I was only 12 years old, it was already hard listening to girls saying that I was not good enough; now that my father admits it too, it must be true.

"My sweet, innocent baby girl, I love you so much and god I wish you never heard that." My mother engulfed me into her loving arms, she was the only person who had shown me affection.

"Never marry a man like him, promise me you will be happy. I love you, you are so much more and deserve more than us." Her words had cut right through my heart, leaving a small scar forever.


"Excuse me miss, the plane has landed. Welcome to California!" Her cheery voice made my brain hurt, I smiled and grabbed my bags.

Los Angeles, California will be my new home. The warm, summer sunshine welcomed me with comfort. Being across the country, from him, made me feel protected. Now all I have to do is start over, find a job and a home, then everything will be back to normal.

Or as normal as it can be.

The money I have been saving from my mother's inheritance and from work should get me through two months, if I find a well paying job then I could actually make it happen. I reach inside my pocket for my phone, until I realize that I had thrown it into a cup of water and then into the trashcan in the airport.

That's just peachy.

With a groan, I hail a taxi and head to the closest mall. For starters, I will purchase a phone, search for cheap apartments, and then begin job searching. Yeah, that sounds like a terrific plan.

Soon enough I reached the mall, asking the man to keep my bags and he said he would, if I gave him an extra fifty. I rolled my eyes, handing him the money and walked into the closet "Sprint" store.

I picked out an Iphone 5 S, only because it's simple to work and it's not that pricey. On top of that, I had began a whole new phone plan, switching my numbers so Warren couldn't track me down. The sooner I get this over with the better. I thank the young man and began searching for apartments.

"Can you take me to 46 Westward, Hanover Drive?" I instruct the driver, he listened and began driving.

The apartment on the website wasn't so bad, yet wasn't the best either. However, I will live with it and try my best to work with it until I get enough money for an upgrade.

I gathered my luggage, carrying it into the apartment building and paid the taxi driver. The woman at the desk was kind, telling me it's a beautiful and friendly apartment building; I nodded. She handed me my keys to Room 14, I made my way to the second floor.

"Rent is $900 per month, this is a one bedroom apartment and one bath. Also, a comfortable living room and kitchen." The woman, Susie shows me around and I thank her.

I begin to make my way around the place, the front door connected to a reasonable sized kitchen, the living room off to the right which contained black leathered couches, a small flat screen T.V, and coffee table.

I enter the first door in the hallway, the bathroom which was painted tan, a shower with a bath and of course a toilet and sink. Then I open the last door which revealed my beautiful bedroom, a queen sized mattress and a black dresser with the closet next to it.

A smile flashes across my face, soon I'll be able to decorate it and it will be my home. For now, I'm going to treat myself, waste my money, and buy myself a beautiful Kia!

I grab my key and lock the door, only to run into a muscular figure. My eyes slowly look up, praying it wasn't him. My whole body went numb, the blood frozen and the color drained from my face.

"Hey, sorry. I didn't even see you there." The masculine voice apologizes, offering me a friendly smile.

I sigh a breath of relief, "No it's fine. I should have paid more attention as to where I was going. "

"Well, my names Nick Dorran. I live across the hall, nice to meet you." He winks, shaking my frozen, white hand.

I look down, noticing the scratches on top of my hand. After offering a smile, I pull my sleeve over my hand and introduce myself as well.

"I'm Aubrey Summers." My throat is dry, I must be nervous.

I focus on this boy's appearance, he had good looking dark brown hair, a muscular figure, and beautiful sparkling blue eyes. He was breathtaking, I hope I don't look stupid checking him out.

"I guess I'll see you around Aubrey." He chuckled, staring at me once more until heading to his apartment.

That boy seems interesting, but dangerous. I refuse to fall into the same trap I was in twenty-four hours before. It risked my entire life, never will I allow that again.

I continue walking, no longer will I be abused.  

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