c h a p t e r 25

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I felt someone nudging my shoulder gently, trying to wake me up from my lovely nap. With a yawn, I open my eyes and see Nick smirking at me. He pulled a strand of hair out of my face and poked my cheek. I giggled, hiding my face and yawning once again.

"You two done flirting with each other so we can go watch a movie?" Alex winks and Courtney laughs.

My cheeks grew red as an apple and I untangled myself from Nick. Carefully, I jumped out of the car and joined the rest of them. Taking a nap like that has never left me so refreshed and I feel like I can take on the world!

Okay, maybe not the world. More like a two and half hour long movie. Alex and Courtney picked the ones they wanted to see while Nick and I grabbed some snacks. Immediately, I asked for nachos and Nick looked at me, laughing at how crazed I was to get them. We received our food and took our seats in the theatre.

Alex and Courtney were already holding hands. Wow, they ended up together really quick. Meanwhile, Nick and I have been friends for almost a month. Nick looks at the two of them and shakes his head, laughing at how flirty they could be. The movie began and I honestly had no interest in the action film.

I began to grow bored, so I began to play thumb war by myself.

"Come on lefty! Let's go righty!" I whisper-shout to myself.

I heard a soft chuckle next to me and of course, Nick was staring at me with those piercing, sky blue eyes. They were filled with amusement and I don't blame him.

"You bored?" Nick asks, grabbing my hand.

"Maybe." I grin, setting our hands up for a thumb war.

"1 2 3 4, I declare a thumb war!" He whispers and we begin.

It was all or nothing for righty. She was a one win medalist and was only defeated fifty times, but she still keeps going. Nick goes in for the rabbit hole, this was it. Righty waited, as if she was hunting for her first meal in ten years. Nick's thumb jumps up and righty snatches it. She held him down for four seconds and it was clear who our winner was!

"Beat that!" I exclaim, earning dirty looks and several "shhh" from the crowd.

Nick rolls his eyes playfully and doesn't let go of my hand for the rest of the movie. Funny how I state we should just be friends, yet here we are. Holding hands and sitting close to each other. Friends do that right? Like really good friends?

Courtney looks over at me and pokes me in my side. This caused me to shriek and jump closer, almost into Nick's lap. Courtney pulled a hand over her mouth to silence her laughter, but failed miserably. Alex looked over and began to giggle as well.

"I swear, we need to get them back." I say to Nick, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I couldn't help but think about the position we were in. My mind wasn't telling me to be terrified, I was actually quite calm. Was I beginning to improve? Or maybe, I'm beginning to trust Nick a lot more now.

"I think I have an idea." Nick whispers into my ear, leaving shivers to run across my spine.


The movie had finally ended. Nick and I were basically talking to each other the whole time. Alex and Courtney couldn't stop touching and flirting with each other. They looked good together.

"Okay, so dinner next?" Alex asks and we all nod our heads in agreement.

"Actually, you guys head to the car. Aub and I have to do something really quick. Be back in five minutes?" Nick states and Alex says okay.

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