c h a p t e r 33

88 3 0

Aubrey's POV:

I felt disgusting, revolting, and broken. My body was numb, I couldn't move. He did it again, using me for his well being and hurting me while doing it. I held in my tears until the two of them left. I cried; cried for help and cried for the pain, and cried for the future. Most of all, I cried for Nick.

I wanted him to come in and get me out of here. Yet, this isn't a fairytale. I knew that the only way out would be escaping before they left. Slowly, I forced myself to stand and look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My face was covered in bruises and scratches. My hair looked like an animal attacked me. The sight broke me and I sobbed.

"Mom! Mommy!" I cried, falling back to the ground. I wanted my mom, I wanted her to cradle me in her arms and make everything better.

Warren slammed the door, "We are leaving now. I'll think about food for you. Clean up, we are leaving the country tonight."

My sobs stopped, leaving the country? No, no, no! I couldn't just sit here and let them take over my life again. I gathered all of the strength I had left and pulled myself up by holding onto the counter. My reflection stares back at me, yet this time I saw anger in the eyes. It was like a tiny spark of light had been seen in the darkness of my pupils.

I was furious, aggravated, and violated. I was given a second chance when I had escaped from Warren in New York. I used it and made incredible friends and met a boy that will never get off my mind. He was constantly there, always telling me to keep my hope and that I am my own person. He reminded me that I am an adult and I make my own choices.

I use to be a girl who didn't let anyone break her or use her. Warren may have came and destroyed her, ripped her to pieces one by one, but I will not let him take me away again. I stare at myself, noticing the spark getting bigger and I could have sworn I felt fire inside of my body. Warren had broke me, but there's still a piece of me that hasn't been snapped in two.

The girl that was staring back at me in the mirror was someone I had aspired to be. Her eyes were glowing, her skin was heated, and her touch could burn anyone who would step in her way. She didn't want to be stuck in a cage, poked and stabbed by the people who watched her struggle each day. I am not some toy, no one can abuse me anymore.

I needed a way out. Warren and Ally had already left, leaving me at least half an hour to come up with a way to get out of the bathroom. The reflection of the bruises and scars enraged me more, causing me to punch the wall and create a huge hole. My knuckles were bleeding, but I no longer cared. The hole I had made was near the door knob.

Quickly, I had an idea. If I use something to enlarge the hole, I could reach and unlock the door. I begin my search, my eyes spotted the hair dryer. I ripped the cord and banged it into the door. It had only made a dent. With a heavy grown, I screamed and punched my fist through. I could see the other side of the room, the hole was not large enough to get to the door knob.

With numb fingers, I began to change my idea and look for a Bobby pin. Perhaps, I could unlock the door in a less harmful way. I fiddle with the knob and after a couple of minutes, I heard a click. A sigh of relief washed over me and I ran out of the bathroom and out of the motel. The car was missing, so I knew I was okay.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" I whispered to myself.

I ran down the staircase and ran. I sprinted with all of the energy I had left. I wanted to get far, far away from that place and make sure no one could ever spot me again. Running had me feel free, I was me again. Warren won't find me next time and I will do anything I'll have to do to keep him away from me. I will tell the police and I'll even talk to a counselor if need be.

All of a sudden, a car horn beeped behind me. The color had drained from my face. I was so close, he will surely kill me now. I run and grab a heavy rock, putting it close to my head and slowly turn around to be blinded by the bright, white, head lights.

"Screw you Warren, it's over." I raised the rock, only to be tackled to the ground.

"Aubrey, no!" A girl screamed, the rock flew from my hand.

The impact on my body made me suck in a deep breath, whoever was on top of me was practically crushing me. Tears poured out of my eyes, I wanted to die so he couldn't kill me. I wanted this pain and agony over. Yet, even wanting to die, I still wanted Nick. I wanted him to somehow miraculously save me from this nightmare.

"Aub, beautiful. I'm here. It's okay, stop crying. Aubrey, you're going to make me cry." A voice whispered, I felt his fingers run through my tangled hair.

"Nick?" I breathed, feeling him scooping me up into his arms.

"I'm here, it's okay. Nothing is going to happen to you. I have you, relax baby. You're shaking like a wet dog and you're freezing like you've been dead for two days." He held me tighter.

I sobbed, "I thought I was going to die. I-I-I really thought I was done for."

Nick shook his head, I noticed his eyes were glossy, "No, no way in hell would I ever let him kill you."

I gazed into his eyes, grateful and blessed to have such an amazing guy care for me like he does. I put my small, broken, and frail hands onto his smooth face, searching as to why he would put up such a fight and take such a risk just for me.

"What's wrong?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why would you want to save me? You could die. I don't deserve you, I'm broken and disgusting." I cried.

Nick took my face into his hands, "No. In my eyes, you're a strong and powerful woman. I look at you and I see someone who won't give up when times are so dark. You have a wild fire burning inside if you, it's just not lit enough yet."

I smiled and took his face closer to mine. Slowly, I pressed my lips against his. He was shocked, but responded fast and pulled me closer. The kiss reminded me of home, a home that was safe and welcoming. It soon turned into a heated one and I didn't want to pull back.

"Sorry to interrupt, but if we want to keep Aubrey then we need to get the hell out of here." Alex chuckles.

Nick rolls his eyes and we had over to the car. I was free from Warren and I will do everything that I can to keep it that way.

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