c h a p t e r 13

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The day didn't go as bad as I thought it would. The animals were adorable, Reyna and Nick did feed pregnant giraffes. One decided to give Nick a slobbery kiss as well. Reyna and I ended up in endless laughter, earning a deadly glare from Nick.

"I swear if I didn't scream for help his tongue would have went into my mouth. I don't do tongue on the first date." Nick grins and I giggle.

"Good to know. It was quite disgusting." I grin, playing with my fingernails.

Reyna stares at the cage of  cute, cuddly, white and black pandas. I smiled, she is such a beautiful young girl. Terrible things happen to such great people. Nick caught my gaze and sighed.

"I wish her time wasn't coming so soon."

I give him a sad smile, "She's brave. Who knows? Maybe a miracle will happen."

Nick nods and asks if I'd like to walk through the gift shop with him while Reyna is occupied. I agreed since the last time I was in one was when I was ten years old and my mother and I visited New York. That's how I knew I've always wanted to live there and create a life. The city was restless and nothing ever stopped. I loved the idea of being busy and having something to look forward to each day.

We walk into the rustic gift shop, each section contains different merchandise of a variety of zoo animals. I quickly ran over to the panda shelf and swooped an adorable stuffed panda bear that was wearing a shirt that said, "I went to the San Diego Zoo".

"Do you think Reyna would like this?" I turned towards Nick who was focusing on a monkey keychain.

"Yeah, she'd love it. You don't need to get her anything. You being here is more than enough for her. She seems to have taken a liking to you." Nick responds and I laugh.

"I'm just such a sociable person, what can I say?" I joke and Nick rolls his eyes playfully.

I am anything but sociable.

After a few more minutes of strolling around the store, we pay for our things. We return to the panda exhibit and notice Reyna talking to a tall, handsome looking teenager. He must have been her age. I noticed the playful glow in her eyes, she must think he's cute. I remember how I used to look at boys like that before my life turned into a total shit hole.

A giggle errupts from my mouth when I see Nick's expression. His mouth was gaping open and forming a big "o" shape. He must have never seen his sister communicate with a boy. Especially one that looks that cute.

"He's pretty good looking. Wouldn't you agree Nicholas?" I tease slightly, then taken aback from what I had just said.

Where did that sense of humor come from?

"I thought she didn't like boys. She tells me they're icky! Has she been lying to me this whole time?" Nick breathes in deeply and I couldn't contain my laughter.

"She was bound to crush on a guy some day. Anyways, they look like they're enjoying themselves. Ah, young love. Don't you just... love it?" I bite my lip and am given a warning look.

Not the kind that meant he was going to hit me; more like the joking ones a friend gives. It still scared the daylights out of me.

All of a sudden, Nick walks towards them. Reyna notices and her eyes go wide. She quickly mouths, "Please stop him."

She must really like this boy and I just can't let her older brother scare the crap out of him. I join Nick and pull on his arm. That gains his attention.

"Maybe we should leave them alone." I suggest and Nick frowns at me.

"She's my little sister. I know what that boy wants and I am not letting her be vulnerable. Guys are evil and always wanting something. I would know since I am one." Nick groans.

"She obviously likes him and to be honest, he seems like a decent guy. So come on old guy and lets go get something to eat. I'm starving." I wink and Nick suddenly smirks.

"Did you just wink at me?"

I blush and realized my silly actions. Hormones suck ass. Reyna better thank me later for being such an idiotic flirt. I only did that for her.

"No I-I-I just... twitched?" I mumble and Nick's eyes light up with amusement.

With a sigh, I drag him over to the food court and plan to eat a good lunch.

I have no idea where the sudden rush of confidence is coming from, but I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can.

We get in line and I scan the menu board, thinking of what I could eat. Before, Warren would only let me eat salads. He told me ever since I tried leaving that I began to gain a lot of weight and wanted me to stay light as possible.

He ended up taking my meals away from me, starved me maybe once or twice. I'm not totally skinny now, but I am underweight.

"Okay, I am thinking of a cheeseburger and fries. What about you?" Nick asks and I look down at myself.

"A salad is fine." I answer and Nick gasps.

"Aubrey, you're beautiful but really? A salad, girl you need more meat on your bones!" He exclaims and I laugh a little.

"I didn't usually eat a lot before. I was always busy I guess." I lie and he nods.

"Well that is going to change while I'm here. Now, your food choices will be fries, nachos, and pizza. Maybe some hot dogs and cheeseburgers-"

I cut him off, "I hate hot dogs."

His jaw drops, "How the hell do you hate hot dogs? You come from New York for christmas sakes!"

I shake my head giggling, "And how the hell are you in such good shape from eating all the junk?"

Nick thinks for a second and answers, "I honestly have no clue."

I smile and from that day on, my meals will consist of meat, potatoes, and pizza.

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