c h a p t e r 4

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"Here you go Miss. Summers, your new Kia!" The salesman handed over my new car keys, excitement coursed through my veins.

My eyes stared in awe, fascinated by the beautiful, shiny, details and popping red and black colors. I thank him, then hopped in my new ride and decided to take a drive downtown to figure out my new job.

I figured I could continue waitressing, not for the rest of my life but it will bring in some money for the mean time. My dream career has to be an aspiring author; to create a life I've never experienced and put it on a piece of paper.

I enter the small Cafe, admiring the old fashioned look and the smell of coffee and treats wash over me. The manager notices me and walks over, introducing herself as Molly Piercing.

"I noticed your help wanted sign outside, I was just wondering if I could apply for a job. I've had experience before and I believe I have what it takes." I smile, shaking her hand.

Molly studied me for a moment and a grin crept onto her face, "You got the job, you look dedicated and trustworthy enough. I believe you can do well. You start tomorrow, um Miss-"

"Oh Aubrey, Aubrey Summers." I receive my red apron and thank her for a job.

Things are beginning to turn sunny side up, gosh I'm actually doing this! I have a job, an apartment, and all I need is friends.

Terrific, I only had one friend in New York because Warren threatened to kill my other friends if I continued to spend time with them. How the hell am I supposed to meet other people?

"Hi, I heard you're new here. My name is Jessica, Jessica Parksen." The blonde hair, blue eyed girl smiled gently at me.

Well, that was easy.

"Yeah, I'm Aubrey Summers. You work here as well?" I ask, both of us take a seat at a window booth and begin to chat.

"Yeah, I started about two months ago. It's a wonderful job, the people are friendly and customers are sweet. I'm so happy I have someone around my age. I'm guessing you're in your twenties?" She winks, wiping down the table.

I like Jessica, she's friendly and easy to talk too. She kind of reminds me of Courtney; gosh I wish I could speak to her again.

"20 Years old, you?"

"Just turned 21 yesterday." She giggles, I laugh as well.

For about two hours I listened and got to know Jess. She used to live in Orlando, Florida and moved here because of college.  She's now a Junior and will be graduating next year in the Medical Field. She also has a sister, Jennifer and a best friend Regina George who lives an hour away. Jess promised me that all four of us could hang out some week, I told her it would be fun.

It was around 8:30 P.M that I arrived home, my apartment a bit lonely. It's kind of depressing living by yourself after something I went just through. A bit terrifying as well. Instead of sitting around, I carry my bags of new comforters and sheets that I had bought recently and threw them into the laundry machine so I could use them tonight.

While that was going on, I dialed Courtney's phone number while keeping my number blocked and had prayed that Warren didn't do any harm towards her.

"Hello, Courtney speaking." Her voice makes me want to cry.

"Hey it's me, Aubrey. I just wanted to tell you that I'm here safely and all is well. Also, I'm sorry that I left out of the blue but trust me it's for the better." I bite my nails, keeping the tears back.

"Aub, gosh girl where did you go? I miss you too but you need to come home. Warren is worried sick about you, he even called the police and created a search party for you. I need to tell him now, wait why is your number blocked?" She sounded so scared but thankful I had reached out to her.

"No, Court listen to me. Do not tell anyone that I had called you! My number is blocked so Warren can't track my location. Court, I'm begging you please do not tell anyone." I plead, hoping she would understand.

There was silence until I heard Courtney mutter curses and she responded, "What the fuck did he do to you!? Warren obviously caused this mess, so help me god you better answer me Aubrey Grace Summers!"

I gulped, could I actually trust Courtney with my darkest secret. Of course I could, but it would mean she would be in danger, unless... "Court, I can only tell you if you leave New York."

"What! Aubrey I have two kids, I can't just pack up and leave! Just tell me!" She argued, but I refused.

"I can't tell you Court, he would hurt you maybe even kill you or threaten your kids." My heart was beating frantically, I wouldn't be able to live if that ever happened.

She sighs, "Alright fine, give me a week to try and find a job in- wait where the hell are you?"

"Uh Los Angeles, California." I mumble, waiting for her outburst.

"HOW THE FRIGGITY FRACK DID YOU GET ACROSS THE COUNTRY?!" She screams, I bite my tongue from laughing.

"By airplane. I'll buy you flight tickets and try to ask my manager to get you a job as well. I already have an apartment but it only has one bedroom. My living room is pretty big and the couch is pull out." I explain thoroughly, I don't want her to pay the prices here just for me and I'd rather have some company with me.

Courtney thanked me and promised she'd be here by the end of the week. She doesn't want to leave too suddenly to make Warren suspicious.

Speaking of that monster, he has a search party going for me?! After all the shit he's done and could get arrested for, he goes straight to the police to find me. Thank god I moved across the country, they'd never find me.

I moved into my bedroom to make the bed and changed into my pajamas I had packed only two days ago. Once Court gets here we can go shopping for new clothes.

For now, I had decided to lounge on my comfy, black, recliner and flipped the television on. My eyes traced off to the white walls, plain and bare. Hopefully Court and I could decide on how we want to decorate this place.

My attention averted towards the television screen, where my face was suddenly on the screen. My breathing faltered, I listened to the news woman.

"In other news, 20 year old Aubrey Summers has gone missing from Brooklyn, New York. A search party has been organized and being continued this second. So far, no sight of her. If you've seen this girl, contact police immediately." I turn the T.V off when I heard the knock on my door.

Slowly but carefully, I grabbed my phone to dial the police in case it was Warren and he had found me.

I opened the door to he surprised by the presence of the handsome man I've ran into earlier.

He looks me up and down then sighs, "So you're the missing girl?"

My eyes widen and I slowly back away, shit.


Uh oh! Looks like Miss Summer's identity has been discovered. Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you for reading

- Everlastingwonder❤️

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