c h a p t e r 16

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"And we danced all night to the best song ever!" Jessica sings along to the blasting radio, blaring One Direction in her bedroom.

Ally started jumping up and down on the bed, pretending to play a guitar next to Jess. I shook my head, laughing at how silly the both of them looked. The three of us decided to get ready at Jessica's since Courtney didn't want company over and Ally said her boyfriend didn't feel so well at her apartment.

"Hm, red top or black?" Ally asks, holding up two pieces of fabric that would show her flat ass stomach.

Must be nice.

"The red would look amazing with your dark hair and blue eyes. Tell me, what is your damn secret as to being that fit?" Jess giggles and grabs a black dress, slipping it on over her body.

I changed in the bathroom, not wanting to be asked questions about my bruises. Luckily, I remembered my make up and covered the marks. They didn't disappear, yet they were hardly noticeable.

"I just follow my diet and work out every day." Ally smiles and begins her make up.

Jess gasps, "Does that mean no Taco Bell or McDonalds?!"

I looked at her like she had two heads. This girl loves to eat.

"Yes Jess." Ally rolls her eyes playfully and Jess pretends to faint onto the bed.

An hour passes by with funny conversations and us getting ready. It was around 9:30 PM and we were ready to head out. I can't lie, I'm really excited to finally have a great night in the city.

It didn't take long to arrive. There was a long ass line filled with people, yet Jess and the rest of us just walked in. No one even bothered to ask for ID's.

"My cousin, Ricardo owns the club. As long as we don't start shit, he will always let us in." Jess winks and walks over to the bar.

Ally orders a Malibu Sunset, Jess asked for three Purple Hooters for the three of us.

I'm not a big drinker, but I'm not the kind of person who gets drunk after a couple of shots. I take the purple shot glass and turned to my friends.

"Cheers to new friendships!" Jess exclaims and we respond, "Cheers!"

I chug the liquid down my throat, feeling the alcohol burn on the inside. The raspberry substance was sweet and I decided that I liked this. Quickly, I ask for another one and Ally giggled. The bartender chuckled and winked, setting the glass down once again.

Tonight was the night I wanted to lose myself in the alcohol and forget the hell of the past I suffered through.


My vision was blurring, but I didn't care. The loud, powerful music swayed my body from left to right. The girls and I were infected by the positive energy and fun surrounding us. Or maybe it was the fifteen shots and five bud lights that did it as well.

I felt a little funny, but it was a nice kind of funny. Almost like the tickling sensation you get when your crush talks to you.

My thoughts were interrupted by a blonde chick speaking to me. She was telling me how I didn't look so good.

What the fuck was her name again?

"Seriously, Aub I think you had too much to drink." She sighs, obviously worried.

Why the hell is everyone so worried? I'm fucking young! This is what people do at my age?

"Shut the fuck up and let me live my life!" I laugh, smacking her arm playfully.

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