c h a p t e r 14

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Our trip to the zoo finally came to an end. Reyna had gotten the boy's number and Nick looked a little worried, yet I told him not to stress over it. She's a girl and she should have her chance to experience these memorable moments while she can.

We arrived to the hospital shortly after. Reyna seemed to become upset, falling into a silenced state. It saddens me, not knowing if we'll ever see her again after today. She's such an amazing, young, and humorous girl. She was the sister I never got.

"Can they just kill me now? Inject me with some crap?" Reyna grumbles and Nick gives her a serious look.

"No. You are going to keep fighting and not let the tumor win. There's still a chance that you could make it, Reyna. You have to do this for mom and I. We don't want to let you go." Nick explains, his eyes getting glossy.

I decided that the tension in the room was getting a little dramatic and began to pack my things up. It was time for them to have their alone time and I needed to get back home.

"Aubrey, are you going?" Reyna yawns, getting comfortable in her bed.

"Sadly, yes. But, I promise you that I'll make an effort to see you again. I had such a great time and I couldn't have done it without you." I smile and she quickly engulfs me into her tiny, skinny arms.

I hold back my tears, not wanting to upset anyone. I say farewell to Nick and told him to come to me if he needed anything. We may actually have a chance at being... friends.

Do I trust him yet? No, I don't think I could ever place my trust in anyone after Warren.

Speaking of Warren, thoughts began to wander my mind.

Had he found me yet? Is he waiting to attack me? Does he know if I told anyone?

My breathing becomes hitched and I need to lean on the wall before I continue to the parking lot.

"Calm down Aub, just breathe." I tell myself, trying to control my heartbeat.

Maybe I should listen to Courtney and go talk to someone. However, what if they judge me? How could they look at me knowing I stayed with a man who kicked me every single day?

A man who used me for sexual purposes and then slapping me in the face if I failed to impress him? It sickens me just thinking about, let alone speaking it.

I cannot tell anyone about this. I refuse to let the past catch up to me now. Too many people know and I need to stop it from going around anywhere.

By the time I reach the parking lot, Jessica was already waiting in her car for me. I greeted her with a bright smile, being with her is like hugging a colorful rainbow.

I mean it, she's just so bubbly and positive. Some people may think it's annoying, but I personally need some sunshine in the stage of my life.

"Hello pretty. How was your date?" She wiggles her eyebrows and I froze in my seat.

"It was most certainly not a date. We just took his sister to the zoo."I buckle my seatbelt and look out the window.

"Well, same thing. Nick is a cutie, I've seen him a couple times when he walks into the cafe." She explains and turns down the street.

I would be crazy if I didn't agree that Nick was good looking. Yet, looks can be deceiving.

"Whatever, I am not ready for a relationship."

"That doesn't mean we still can't have fun." Jessica winks and continues, "I have an idea!"

This should be good.

"We should invite Courtney and Ally out to Open 24 Hours and have a girls night! Drinking some delicious beer and spicy hot wings. I love hot wings, did you know that?"

"Jess, you and I are only twenty years old. We aren't even legal." I tell her, nervous about the idea.

"No worries, I have my connections."

Does this girl know everybody across the country? I swear, she has more connections than my own laptop trying to get wifi.

"I'm not so sure." I pick at the ends of my hair.

Sure, a night out sounds like an enjoyable time. I could get to know Ally and Jess more, also letting them meet my best friend. But, who would watch the kids? And what if we get caught being in a bar without a legal license?

Everything in my mind yelling, "No!"

But, when was the last time I took risks? A long time ago and I think that should change.

New city, new me.

"Alright, let's do it."

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