Making it Memorable

Start from the beginning

Liam's words caught me off guard, I thought him of all people should know I would never go back to that lifestyle again. "No, I won't go back down that road Liam; you know where that landed me." I replied with hurt coating my tone.

"So you're just going to spend the entire summer in this room, grieving over someone who'll never come back?" Liam asked with his tone getting higher.

"What do you expect me do huh?" I snapped, finally getting irritated at my brother. "Go out and paint the town pink and purple and laugh merrily while doing so? Have you forgotten that Grandpa Mitch was just as important to me as Gramps, he was there for me when you, my very own brother went against me and accused me of doing drugs, he never believed it for a second yet, you who knew me my whole life was adamant that I was using. Grandpa Mitch filled in the gap Gramps left open after he died and acted more as a parent to me then mom and dad ever have!"

I took in a breath and continued. "So yes Liam, this it like Gramps all over again because I have once again lost my grandfather!"

I felt tears prickle at the corner of my eyes when I was done speaking.

Liam didn't say anything but I think my outburst touched something in him because his eyes softened and he looked apologetic. "Car-"

"I think you've spoken enough Liam." Liam was cut off by Nicole who was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and glaring at Liam.

Liam looked at Nicole then at me; he opened his mouth to speak but was once again cut off by Nicole. "Why don't you go entertain yourself elsewhere and stop bothering your sister."

"I was just..." Liam trailed off and ran a hand through his hair. "Forget it, I'm heading out for a bit, later." He mumbled and soon walked past Nicole and out of my bedroom.

Nicole walked into my room after shutting the door behind her. She sat down beside me and placed a hand over mine. "Don't worry about your brother, he's a guy and we all know how stupid, insensitive and well guys are just plainly assholes at times."

I would've laughed at Nicole's remark but all I could manage was a half grin.

"Why don't you eat the lunch your brother so kindly brought you, you look like you could do with some food." Nicole said after a short while of silence.

When I didn't answer Nicole picked up the plate and after grabbing a forkful of pasta she brought the fork to my mouth. "Open up or I am going to make airplane noises and then you'll have to open your mouth." She warned with a playful glare.

I grinned wider this time and opened my mouth. "Good girl." Nicole smiled when I chewed on my food.

Nicole took another forkful but I stopped her, feeling a little embarrassed. "I can eat on my own Nicole." I said and took the plate from her. "Thank you though." I genuinely smiled.

"I'm always here for you Carls."

I ate as much as I could and when I was done I kept my plate aside.

"I'm glad my method worked and you ate, Liam owes me fifty bucks." Nicole grinned.

I frowned and Nicole elaborated. "You see I told him I'd be able to get through to you better than he would but he insisted he knew you better and you'd listen to him but as you can see, your idiotic brother was wrong."

"So you had a bet?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Well...maybe a little but it was solely for your sake, I promise."

I managed a small laugh when I saw Nicole get worked up and when she saw me laugh she let out a breath.

"Thank you Nicole." I said after a while.

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