"Selena, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I have to tell you something else, or I won't be able to live with myself," Justin says in a verge of tears.

"What else could you possibly tell me?" Selena screams.

"I cheated on you. I'm so so so sorry. You didn't deserve it. I'm such a jerk. I should've dumped you before I did anything with him."

"What? I though you said he doesn't know you like him! You know what? Fuck you! I don't want to hear your voice ever again! You really hurt me Justin, and I-I hate you!" Selena and then hangs up.

"Well then. He's yours now, I guess," I say awkwardly.

Justin covers his face and sighs. He looks up at me and gives me his one million dollar smile. My heart flutters, and I quickly clear my throat.

"You need a ride home?" I ask.

"School hasn't ended. My mom will kill me if she sees me. Take me to Jason."

Justin POV

The door opens, and I'm met with a pissed off Alex.

"Can I talk to Jason please?" I say ignoring his cold stare.

"No you can not," he snaps.

"Is that Jason's boyfriend? Oh, it's lovely to see you!" Jason's grandma budges in.

She leads me inside and pinches my cheeks. I smile and give her a short hug.

"Oh hi," Johnson says looking up from the T.V.

"Where's Jason?" I ask.

"Oh he left. Went with Brandon," Johnson says shrugging.

I open my mouth flabbergasted. That clever bastard! He didn't mean a thing he said. No wonder he didn't drive off immediately when I got out of his car. Ugh, I'm going to kill him.

"What happened to you arm? How'd you break it?" Johnson asks moving his attention to me.

"Fell down the stairs. Anyways how could you let Jason go with Brandon? Where are they going? He's my boyfriend," I growl.

"Get a taste of your own medicine," Alex says from behind.

He walks to us and plops down next to Johnson.

"Break up with my brother. Yeah? You don't deserve him. When are you ever going to tell him you cheated on him with Selena? I told my dad, grandma, and Johnson about this. Not cool, man," Alex says shaking his head disapprovingly.

His dad? Shoot, what does he think of me now?

"I'm leaving. John, you're coming with me," I say sternly.

Johnson gives me a weird look, but nonetheless gets up.

He slips into his shoes and throws on his jacket.

I walk out with Johnson behind me. He jogs up to me and tilts his head to the side.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" John asks.

"You should be too," I snap.

"Pfft. I will be in like two days. Hey how come you called me John. Did I say you can't call me John? Don't you remember when I said I only let certain people call me John."

"Whatever Johnson. Tell me where Jason and Brandon are," I say sternly.

We step into the elevator, and Johnson presses the down button.

"Can't," Johnson says shrugging. "Where the hell are we going anyways?"

"Tell me right now," I say gripping his jacket.

"Jason said not to tell you if you somehow found out that he went with Brandon. Sorry, man."

"I don't care what Jason said! Tell me right now where they are!" I say trapping Johnson in the corner.

The elevator opens, and I quickly back away. We go out as people go in.

"Er, I dunno man. I don't want Jason to get mad at me," John says.

"Ugh, you don't understand. I need to tell Jason something before he leaves tomorrow! You better tell me where he is because you have been getting on my nerves."

"What have I done to you?"

"Nothing that I know of, but you've been a complete jerk to my best friend Ryan. He likes you, and he says that you're ignoring him and stuff."

Johnson frowns.

"They went to a donut shop," Johnson mumbles.

"Tim Horton's?"

"Yeah, that. Brandon likes it there so yeah."

I shove open the exit door and the cold wind hits my face.

"Man, it's freezing. So looking forward to go back to Nevada," Johnson says his teeth chattering.

I roll my eyes at him and take out my phone. I search up the nearest Tim Horton's there is and begin to lead Johnson.

"Jason likes you. I think. Yeah. Does that help you feel better?" Johnson says awkwardly.

"I know he likes me," I say blushing.

I know he does.

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